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Jesus Breakdancing Christ

An expression of great misfortune, disgust, or suprise. Normally used in the most extreme of circumstances.

Jesus H. Christ
Jesus Tapdancing Christ
Jesus Brick-Shitting Christ

Jesus Breakdancing Christ! My scrotum is missing! How the hell did that happen!??!?!?!!


Guy 1: Hey, I banged your wife last night.
Guy 2: Jesus Breakdancing Christ! Your ass is grass, motherfucker!

by Mister Joiter September 24, 2007

11πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

new jersey breakdance

A style of no-rules, sucker punch ridden street fighting usually executed by the... mmmwell, the lesser educated, unwashed types and characterized by it's unmistakable "daisy-cutter" action . Far more commonly used back in those less litigious 1970's, back when "victims" wouldn't "go running home to tell mommy", this method of combat relies mainly on its sudden, spastic, often Turrets-like moves to stun and mislead opponents. Popular for it's "make it up as you go" nature, the NJB almost always reflects the tipping point,total meltdown,even borderline psychotic state reached by the practitioner

Yo Joey,we went downtheshore last weekend wit Darlene and Dominic. Man that dude's nuts,some guy was checkin' out Donna on the boardwalk and he went all kinda loco , did the New Jersey breakdance on the dudes face and left him layin' there. Hey yoos going to get cheese steaks !?!?? Don't forget Tastykakes !!

by obyjuan_dv April 14, 2011

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Breakdancing Chicken

Get your partner off choice, get them on top, pick em like a chicken and spin them around while they make chicken noises

God, me and my girl just did the breakdancing chicken and she layed a brown egg.

by baconandco October 1, 2023


The breakdancing movement that originated among African American and Latin American youths in the South Bronx of New York City during the early 1970s. Breaking was born when street corner DJ's (in legend it is DJ Kool Herc who was first) would take the breakdown sections ("breaks") of dance records and string them together or loop them without any elements of the song per se. This provided a raw rhythmic base for improvising and further mixing, and it allowed dancers to display their skills during the break. Breakdancing has a variety of influences, there is no tradition in breakdancing, dancers picked elements from other dances and sports including but not limited to gymnastics, martial arts, ballet... The most common feature of breakdance music exists in breaks, or compilations formed from samples taken from different songs which are then looped and chained together by the DJ. The tempo generally ranges between 110 and 135 beats-per-minute with shuffled sixteenth and quarter beats in the percussive pattern. History credits Kool DJ Herc for the invention of this concept, later termed breakbeat.

My fav BREAKDANCING artist is Marquese Scott, just YouTube WHZGUD2 ...

by PALASU May 11, 2018


a coping mechanism, and sign of affection.

dad: *gently breakdancing towards son* what’s wrong, my son?

by theblackhood June 12, 2018