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A Bunch of Munsch

An animated series based on some of the books by Canadian children's author Robert Munsch.

The cartoon itself is a little bit cringey and cliche in almost every way, but strangely memorable and likeable at the same time. This includes the art-style and the characters.

"Bunch of Munsch
Bunch of Munsch
What a crazy crazy bunch!

Bunch of Munsch
Bunch of Munsch
They're just ... A Bunch of Munsch!"
-The Theme Song

by SunFlow3 March 26, 2021

126๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


A considerable amount of things of the same kind, more than what would normally be considered as "a bunch."

I've got a bunch of speeding tickets, but George has a bunch-and-a-half.

by BeerLovinGuy February 13, 2004

junk bunch

when a guy's junk gets bunched up within his pants, usually while wearing a cup.

Laxer Bro #1: Brah, you were touching your crotch all practice today. What's up with that?

Laxer Bro #2: Dude I know, fuckin junk bunch.

Laxer #1: Fuckin hate that shit man.

by schneeblyn March 18, 2009


Brady-Bunching refers to when you simultaneously play nine videos of pornography or other media on the same computer monitor.

Last night, Robert spent his night alone Brady-Bunching with his new premium porn subscription. It was quite the experience.

by EmperorsCloudMist August 17, 2019

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bunch of bitches

A bunch of annoying people, frequently women who talk way too much, but can also apply to men as well.

Can be abbreviated using B. O. B. (rapper not related)

Look at those stupid bunch of bitches, they're all terrorists.

by DENNIS PLAYING TENNIS October 8, 2015

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bunch of arse

Something that is totally rubbish on a number of levels.

Lisa: "Wow that movie was so great, i cant believe she ended up marrying him and having lots of babies and living happily ever after!!"

Mick: "It was a feckin bunch of arse of you ask me."

Similar meanings: Load of bollocks, pile of shite, can of wee wee etc etc.

by tguimond October 4, 2007

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panties in a bunch

1. When a person overreacts to a trifling insult or barb, or to a joke.

2. When someone acts in an anal-retentive manner, and makes a big fuss out of a relatively minor problem.

1. Don't get you're panties all in a bunch, he doesn't mean it.

2. It's not that big of a problem, don't get your panties all in a bunch, it's going to be okay.

by teh pope January 19, 2005

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