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Cindy is such a fucking alcoholic

by Stegoboi November 23, 2021



Cindy is a deferred name for β€œheather or Karen” Cindy’s can be psycho or paranoid

by I hacked u Cindy November 15, 2021

4πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A normally shy girl, but if you show her you want to be friends, she will open up. Even though she can be annoying, she will listen to what you have to say and is very funny.

person 1: Did you see Cindy yesterday ?
Person 2: Yeah, she was making her brother laugh.

by Grace_Gus1106 January 26, 2017

13πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


Cindy moos like a cow.

She is such a Cindy. Moooooo

by Vikkidumbass June 27, 2018

10πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


Adjective- Used for people who are dangerous. Typically one who is armed with a weapon. Although armed a cindy person is typically nice and helpful. Cindy types are often asian.

That cindy girl scares me, lets keep away from her.

by jimmydluffy June 30, 2010

95πŸ‘ 192πŸ‘Ž


Often a term for the least useful girl in the world. She doesn't know when anything is due and always procrastinates on her homework, or doesn't even do it at all. However, she manages to get good grades from the power of bullshitting. Coincidentally, she also loves bananas.

Person 1: "Hey, that girl didn't do any of the homework this unit, but still aced her test"."

Person 2: "Damn, must be a Cindy."

by Thespottedone March 23, 2016

21πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž


A deceitful, two-faced, woman of low character who surrounds herelf with good family-men in the service of others in order to diguise herself as honorable while she selects married men from that group on which to satiate her reavenous ego. In an arrempt to compensate for her well desserved low self-esteem because she knows what kind of low-life trash she really is even if they don't. Hopefully this helps.

You see that skank in uniform she's a real Cindy of a disgrace.

She claims to have ethics but that Cindy will fuck your husband if given half a chance!

by Loving wife 2-1 that got away March 17, 2017

19πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž