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A phrase used to show exsessive concentration on an object or item.

Bob - " Hey mate.. why did you spend 20 minutes staring at that orange juice yesterday? "
Fred - " Because I uber-concentrated on the word concentrate "

by Arkuvio August 28, 2007

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Concentration Camp

A male sits on a females face, while she is licking his tant he reaches down and pinches the females nose though his nut sack and spray farts in her mouth.

Lashanda was licking my tant last night after I had a huge bowl of chili so I reached down and plugged her nose with my balls and gave her the Concentration Camp... needless to say we are no longer together.

by Mike Rachmels February 10, 2022

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Concentration douche face

The equivalence to resting bitch face, only this is the face made whenever someone is reading or working.

"Yo man you look really pissed. Is everything okay?"
"Oh yeah. I just have concentration douche face."

by Jumbawumba April 2, 2015

Concentration Camp

Summer camps where nerds go to study.

Where's Brian? Oh he had to get his grades up, so he went to a concentration camp.

by andybai May 11, 2022

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Concentration camp

A place where children go to concentrate; or at least that's what some of those parents tell their kids.

Timmy : What's concentration camp? Is it like summer camp for studying?

Deadpool : No sweety. It's the place you go when you're grounded. And you're grounded - Just kidding - No but really. Do you have a neo-nazi friend by any chance?

Timmy : what's nazi?

Deadpool : Oh boy!

by Halock October 1, 2020

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concentration camp

A horrible place for Jews to go to and horrifically die during world war 2. These concentration camps were all blocked of by barbed wire and no sense of freedom. Your identity was stolen including hair, clothes and mental belief. Not only was it bad in moral general, but bad in hygeine too. There would be dead bodies all around the place, with deadly viruses crawling the place. There was also not any food, or water. So Jews would starve or die of dehydration. If you were put in a concentration camp you would give up and lose all sense of hope. You would hate the constant torcher, and worse the mental torcher. Much like school.

Frank: god i hate school, it's so bad and we study for 8 hours a day

Timmy: ikr i wish i was in a concentration camp, instead of school

by i out pizza'd the hut November 4, 2020

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Total Concentration Breathing

A pattern of breathing from the anime Kimetsu No Yaiba(Demon Slayer). Total Concentration Breathing allows for a Demon Slayer, people who kill demons in the anime, to gain as much strength as a demon. This also for people who have mastered this breathing to use elements type of things, like, Water Breathing, Flame Breathing, etc. It is not easy to do Total Concentration Breathing

Spoiler Alert

It is also believed that the creator of this type of breathing could use all the types of breathings, including Sun Breathing, which is believed to be the strongest of all breathings. The first Demon Slayer was related to Tanjiro Kamado and therefore Tanjiro Kamado can use Sun Breathing.

There are currently 11 types of breathings in the anime, which are, Breath of Flame, Breath of Water, Breath of Thunder, Breath of Wind, Breath of Wind, Breath Of Moon, Breath of Sun; With Breath of Moon being the only one created and used by a demon, i.e, Michikatsu Tsugikuni, or, Kokushibo.

Guy 1: "I'm going to start learning Total Concentration Breathing from today."
Guy 2: " Sure you are."

by fridgeSlayer September 6, 2021