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fake drug dealer

A guys who sells stuff they find in their medicine cabinents and sells it to edgy 12 year olds. Sells advil and says its xanax, sells nyquil sprite and says its lean.

im going to become a fake drug dealer to make some cash

by pseodnym June 21, 2018

educated drug dealer

A pharmacist.

What do you want to be when you grow up? "An educated drug dealer"

by luluskittles April 19, 2016

drug dealer day

Congrats to loic for not being caught yet. You have to give us free drugs on 4th December.

drug dealer day is to congratulate people not being caught yet
'I just snorted some sugar shit'-curtis
Let me have one'-jack

by Ginger thing December 2, 2020

Urban Drug Dealer

A Psychiatrist that does not use the allotted amount of time for a medical consultation. He does not assess the patient's state of mind; he only provides the patient with what is necessary for medication refills. In return, the patient pays for office fees. Mimicking a drug deal.

My urban drug dealer hooked me up with some prozac.

by FromGrace December 14, 2009

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Drug Dealer's Phone

A mobile phone often used by drug dealers because it is cheap, easy to replace and it doesn't attract unnecessary attention to the owner.

Phones such as the Nokia bricks, Samsungs and Alcatel are all regularly used by drug dealers.

Ben gets his nokia 3310 out and sends a text. Andy approaches him.

Andy: Can I get a quarter ounce?
Ben: A quarter ounce What?
Andy: Some weed

Ben: I don't sell drugs.

Andy: But your phone.

Ben: What about it?
Andy: It's a drug dealer's phone.

Ben: What!
Andy: Yeah, only drug dealers use old crappy phones.

Ben: Screw you it's retro!
Andy: Listen man can I please get high.

Ben: I'm not a drug dealer!
Andy: Okay. Do you know anybody?
Ben: Yeah I know a guy.

by Sieffy October 30, 2016

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Hot drug dealer

A drug dealer who you find hot. People dealering with hot drug dealers are often torn between buying drugs from them or trying to have sex with them.

Kassie's a hot drug dealer. Should I buy weed from her, or should I try to do her? This is a toughy....

by Comrade 47 March 10, 2008

27๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

drug dealer groupie

Individual(s) who will hang around a drug dealer and will offer service of any kind with hopes of drugs as a form payment.

I havenโ€™t seen you for ever, you were a drug dealer groupie for how long?

by DIRTNAPP December 15, 2022