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Dutchman's foot

A man's private parts, as Dutch men are meant to have big, long feet.
Big feet, big dick etc.

"WOW! that guys dick was like a Dutchman's foot!"

For full effect, use in conjunction with clog, and floshed.

EG: "My Dutchman's foot was such a good fit for her clog, she got proper floshed".

by dnb soldier June 2, 2010

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Old Dutchman

Going down on someone with a mouth full of potato chips (preferably the Old Dutch brand from Canada).

When I give my girlfriend ye Old Dutchman I eat Rip-L chips for her pleasure, but if she's been naughty I munch down on Mexican Chili flavour!

by Saulstar September 10, 2020

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

flying dutchman

a dutch man on an airplane.

man 1: hey is that guy dutch?

man 2: yeah and hes on the plane..

man 1: haha hes a flying dutchman

by enjoisad June 22, 2010

155๐Ÿ‘ 118๐Ÿ‘Ž

dutchman's pipe

1. sexual act in which a male receives a blow job in a meat locker or some other cold storage room so that it appears as though the giving partner is smoking a pipe; upon climaxing, the receiving partner ejaculates on the upper lip of the giving partner, leaving a white mustache like one an old dutchman who smokes a pipe would have
2. slang term for a penis

Last night, I was talking to this waitress, and before I knew it, she took me back to the freezer and started giving me a BJ! I gave her a dutchman's pipe and got out of there.

by Tremors November 3, 2008

11๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Phantom Dutchman

(n). A sex act, similar to the Dutch Rudder where an individual is stimulated indirectly by another. The Phantom Dutchman involves using a cell phone on oneself for sexual gratification as another person knowingly calls the cell phone repeatedly in order to cause the phone to vibrate.

-"How do you and Julie maintain your long distance relationship?"

-"Usually through phone sex but last night I gave her a Phantom Dutchman while watching on Skype"

by B.T.D.C. February 13, 2011

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Angry dutchman

when an angry gay black man pours melted cheese on to a unsuspecting male european tourist and violently rapes him while making monkey sounds

tyrone gave jaroslav an angry dutchman

by dyingtoaster November 5, 2014

22๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Lost Dutchman

When you combine a Stranger with a Dutch Rudder. Or when both parties deny the passage of blood and ultimately loose feeling in their primary limbs, followed by the act of a double dutch rudder.

Brian and Greg were board and decided to give each other a Lost Dutchman

by organized anarchy March 16, 2015