Source Code


GEMS is short for Green Eyed Monster Syndrome. This is where someone is insanely jealous of you as a person, belongings, friendships, relationships and generally your awesomeness.

Friend: OMG I love your bag.

You: Shit have you got GEMS bitch

Shaniqua I love your weave.

Erm bitch you've got GEMS.

Hey Hun, we're going out for cocktails tonight. You coming?

Ahh I can't I have no money.

Haha you poor bitch, got GEMS slut?

by Lacey Whipmore April 8, 2014

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someone who experiences excruciating pain and is a sucker for love. They usually like watching the Monogatari anime.

I feel like im a gems; always in pain.

by potatodarklord November 5, 2020

The Gem

A seemingly useless button with a gem graphic to most, but an avatar to others. Some say the largest cult in the universe derives it's power from The Gem. Others speculate that every time The Gem is clicked, an angel dies. Most people think it just increases your chance to find a gem shrine in Diablo II.

The Gem has a random chance to say "Perfect Gem Activated." I heard some kid got it to say that and his house exploded.

Think about it.

The Gem is a world wonder.

by -Drakken March 4, 2004

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A pure jewel. One of a kind. Unique.

That is one gem^girl, you got there.

I got a gem^ neclace.

by Catri January 14, 2004

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1. Sarcastically refers to something which is "great" or "fantastic," especially a terrible joke or insult.

2. Something that is extremely macabre, provided it is used in a sarcastic sense.

3. Can be used in the stead of something that is precious or wonderful.

1. You're a gay homo.
Wow, how long did it take you to think up that gem?

2. I was on 4chan when I found this gem.

3. Oh, isn't he a gem?

by MegamanTTEX February 28, 2011

13๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


Most handsome guy you'll ever meet.

Sparkles like a true gem.


Coolest thing on earth.

Adonis like.

I'm so gems.

by iamgems July 22, 2011

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one who has had a sudden slutty feeling take over them after drinking heavily all night.

Lauren was so gemmed that she went naked roof jumping and slept with a guy whos name she cannot remember.

by nikeolous May 18, 2006

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