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Talking out of his ass

1. Words produced from a man that does not know what he is talking about. Often in an attempt to offer assistance with some type of problem or dilemma. The dialog usually is nonsensical and is of no help. It is often just made up bullshit with no basis in fact.

2. Dialog used by TV cable news pundits and talk radio hosts such as Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, et. all.

Bill said I need a new head gasket, but I think he was just talking out of his ass. He doesn't know shit about cars!

Man, how can you listen to that fat bastard Rush Limbaugh talking out of his ass day after freaking day!

Hey, was that Glenn Beck I just heard talking out of his ass again? Turn that fucking douchebag off!

by keep it real dickheads!! August 26, 2009

49๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

beat his ass woke

Beating someone in their sleep as they lay defenseless causing them to awaken baffled why someone would do that to them. Usually when a woman finds out a man cheated on them while the man is still asleep.

I found out Tyrone was screwin that ho Shaquanda, so I beat his ass woke while he passed out on my couch!

by Jan-man September 22, 2017

popped a cap in his ass

he shot him

English teacher "you have to use proper English when you're writing summaries in your reading log. is 'he popped a cap in his ass' proper English? no"

by applealex December 3, 2009

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stick up his ass

Pompous, a stiff, tighter than a duck's ass.

John Kerry has a stick up his ass.

by octopod March 5, 2004

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Hitler Wiped his Ass

The "Hitler Wiped his Ass" Fallacy is a logical fallacy which states that criticisms cannot be made by comparing the subject to another thing because said thing had common traits as well.

Person of Reason: Being anti-semetic makes you like Hitler
Idiot: Well Hitler wiped his ass too so I guess we're all Nazis for using toilet paper

by GreenTeaMoxie January 23, 2022

likes it up his ass

Another way of saying "he's gay", 'cause gay guys usually love taking dicc up their pink hole.

Girl 1: I tried flirting with him but he wouldn't even look at me!
Girl 2: He probably likes it up his ass.

by da_wick3d_boi96 September 8, 2018

capped a pop in his ass

The act of sticking a soda bottle lid in someones rectum, and putting the tip of the bottle up the anus. Turning the bottle till the lid is firmly tightend will conclude the act.

I just capped a pop in his ass, and then gave him a high five.

by jr and jr July 1, 2011

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