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I get those goosebumps

A song from Travis scott

Boy 1: dawg, have you seen goosebumps yet...
Boy 2: dawg, you know I have, ITS A BANGER.

by JonMorelandYT September 30, 2020

I get scared by mirrors

..why would you tell me that, this isnt google, THIS ISNT GOOGLE, THIS IS A PEPPERMINT-

Why would you tell me "I get scared by mirrors"-

by M1ntEll1 July 13, 2021

should i get bangs

Warning: A major life event has happened and she’s looking to express it by giving herself forehead curtains.

The safe answer is always “No”.

Angie: “We broke up and I’m just like ready to be a new person, ya know? I need to do something bold, like cut my hair. Should I get bangs?!”

Pam: “Abso-fucking-lutely not.”

by MobyDick211 August 24, 2018

13👍 7👎

Can I get a rewind

Bo Selecta speak for can I get a compliment for saying/doing that?

Proper bo I tell thee. Can I get a rewind?

by Smiaras May 6, 2004

18👍 12👎

Can I Get a Witness?

A phrase used when the user is accomplishing some rediculous feat, or is doing something like a boss.

*Serves four aces in a row*
- "Oh, can I get a witness?!"

*Come in first at a cross-country meet*
- "Can I get a witness, I mean seriously?!"

by LesterTheMolester(Pete Jones) July 5, 2010

51👍 44👎

can i get a hooyah

Popular from a vine. You say it when your in the bed, or just wanna hear it for fun.

We sat in the car..."can i get a hooyah" one said

by Urbandefinder July 3, 2017

7👍 2👎

Can I Get A Piece

This term is often directed towards women to ask for sexual stimulation.

"Hey girl can I get a piece of that ass?"

by Kamikaze April 25, 2004

3👍 1👎