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Not like dobbys mum part of the milf group

‘Karrie is not like that dobby mum

by Milfgroupmember November 23, 2021

Karrie maninger

Karrie maninger is often used to describe a girl who have problems with math, and cant understand which monsters go first, even after checkin 1000 times. Karrie maninger also have bad luck when it come to gettin presents, like that time that david fooled her into buyin her a R5 cruelctrek (LOLMAO). She is also know for her 'illuminati meetings based groups'

Me : how did Karrie maninger lost that fight?
Puffer : she is still karrie afterall

by CHIGGA MY NlGGQ June 9, 2021

Karry and Tas

the best kind of couple, their just perfect.

karry and tas are the cutest

by random fat guy on the internet June 11, 2023


He is the biggest Bum of all time

Some Guy: Karry is such a Bum
Other Guy: Ong Akash on top, such an L Karry

by CuteAnimeGirl666 September 1, 2022


A name for a bitch.

Oh I hate that girl she's such a karris!!

by NotStev November 4, 2022


Karris is a kind, talkative, and Any type of good qualities u can name. She is the best, she’s is good in her studies(especially English) and also music too! etc. Although she hangs out with boys most of the time, she still hang out with me Kayle and Vera. she is VERY trustable. However, one thing is bad of her. She always think negative, thinking she will fail this exam, thinking that she is bad to her friends. She will NEVER break a vow or betray you. Most importantly, she is a weeb ❤️❤️
From Chloe :3

karris is the best 💗

by weeb_0206 March 3, 2022