Source Code

Limb Lump Dump

When one enters into an irregular bowel movement and produces a stool the size of a human babies arm.

Alison: “Brian, Brian….! Can you call a Paramedic. I have Limb Lump Dumped….!”

Brain: “Alison, not again. These irregular bowel movements must stop. Consider the local sewerage systems. They cannot accommodate stools such as the girth that you produce. Sewerage engineering has some advancement to make before correct distribution of your Turds can be achieved”.

by Bert Fegg November 3, 2007

38👍 10👎

love limb

Another word for penis.

I wanna put my love limb in her

by dianaiguess August 12, 2018

The Four Limb Jungle Pumper

An obscure sex move where a group of at least five people are positioned such that both hands and feet of a single person (typically the "Dom." or "Top") are each inside a different member of the party; making this person the "Four Limb Jungle Pumper."

Mike: "Yo Nick, sorry about flaking,

what did you and the guys get up to last Saturday?"
Nick: "We got together and performed 'The Four Limb Jungle Pumper!'

It was really exciting because I got to be the Pumper, and all the other guys loved the way I did it too!"
Mike: "Wow Nick! That sure sounds like fun, you'll have to let me know about the next time you guys get together to perform 'The Four Limb Jungle Pumper'!"

by The California Penis Meister June 12, 2024

Father Lengthy Limbs

A more sophisticated way of saying "Daddy Long Legs"


by piss e piss August 20, 2022

Limb Riser

Anything that’s causes an erection.

That Ford Bronco has limb risers; it’s raising my limb.

by Curtis’s Grindr Account October 1, 2022

Wingin Limbs

The art of dance through violence.

''Here mate, fucking James was wingin limbs so hard last night he knocked out some wee girl.''

by Dr Shape Thrower March 24, 2016


The act of eating the pie with the softness of another pie, whilst having a slight murderous intention.

Bro i just have a Un-de-limb-ified excperience.
Was it good though, bro?
Hell yeah my man!

by NoLifeKingGuy July 23, 2020