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lulu is a extremely fat bigeyed weirdo who gets really ANGRY AT EVERYTHING HNNGH. she wont stop barking about one GOD DARN flaw, she sleeps all day, and she steals her brothers food like a fatso.

this, i tell you is lulu the dog.
never buy a pug and name her lulu she becomes hitler in a cute, fat fursuit.

Lulu is really fat.
yeah man, she ate all of my ****ING FOOD.

by LuluLLi9psdujdilku July 27, 2017

4πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


A very nice and pretty girl who is your best friend until one day , when she stabs you in the back. She will share all your secrets and accuse you of trying to steal her man (when she stole him from another girl in the first place). She will blame you for all her problems out of jealousy. When you approach her she will say some fucked up things and play the victim. She will say how you "caused her immense emotional damage" when you've never heard about any of this until now. She will blame you for getting your friend in trouble when she snitched and spread it around even when you trusted her. She will do anything for her own gain and act innocent even though she fucks everyone else over. But maybe I was a bad friend? No actually I did so many things for her and she told me I was a horrible person. Actually it's not because even though this is your fight, she will drag your friends down with you and will act like she's finally better than you. Cause, she is right. She probably thinks "wow I'm finally popular and better than you". Cause that's what friends do right, stab you in the back and say it's your fault.

"wow Lulu is so great"
"Yeah but she said some fucked up things and stabbed me in the back. Now my friend is in danger because of what she pulled"

by Carllisto April 18, 2019

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A nickname for penis(male reproductive organ)

He prob has a big lulu

by Lightningmastar October 15, 2018

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she is a little bit of a rat boy but she looks like a balloon and rly likes ice cubes. She cares abt a lot of stuff and is a nerd. Very tall and somewhat crazy and wacky but she is a lil whore who is to tall

Person 1: lulu is such a whore
person 2: ikr

by peachfarm2020 April 11, 2020

3πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


A bitch! Only cares about herself! Gets brainwashed by little sneaky bitches! Makes up, stupid ass shit and deep down knows that nobody cares about her and she has no TRUE friends!

Lulu:”everyone loves me, omg! EVERYONE BOWL DOWN TO ME!”

by 240308 August 10, 2019

3πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


A girl mostly with a Country accent. Most of the times dates a fat guy named Santa. And she has a wonderful attitude and can make anybody laugh. When someone comes in a room she senses of good vibes,but she’s a how and loves dick and will suck swallow and lick. And most girls hate her and others wish they were her.

Amber: eww lulu I hate her.
Jose: but her head bomb.
Jackey:I wish I had her boobs.

by KiaraB17 February 17, 2018

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Happiness.the person you look upon in your happiest and saddest time.someone who makes the world better.a sleepy panda who cares about you and exhales love. Also makes silly jokes

Alberto feels so happy when he has to meet lulu and walk around downtown

by Yul19 September 15, 2020

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