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A female specimen exhibiting one or several of the following physical characteristics:
1. Unusually large big toe.
2. Gratuitously fleshy dorsal elbow.
3. Declicious laffy taffy

Did you see that mages over there? I'd love to get a taste of her laffy taffy.

by hotlez4u July 7, 2006

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when something is really cool and new; kind of like, "this is all the rage" kinda thing...

Dude that shirt is totally mage...

by CoolDude13 May 9, 2007

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ryan magee

One of the two Funny boys from a relatively small channel known as "SuperMega"
The 2nd failure of the duo is Known as Matt Watson, A.K.A Brat Watson
The group themselves are known, but not particularly acknowledged, for the editing of others videos, Such others being Game Grumps and OneyGa-I mean Plays.

Ryan Magee's fetish is Anne Watson

by Oney'sChrony#1 March 24, 2018

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assface magee

Assface magee is the plan Z of your comebacks after you used every word in the dictionary to insult someone.

Bob: screw you and your faggoty mother.
Larry: oh yeah? fuck you assface magee.

by Mr.Noose October 21, 2013

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Joel Magee

A self made Billionaire with over 7b followers on Instagram. An upcoming meme.

Dude, look! it's Joel Magee himself!! He might give us some free cars when he gets off his private jet.

by Dashwuff0 February 3, 2021

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nigger mage

A black magician at a child's birthday party

Dad: Johnny is going to be 7 on Friday
Mom: I know I hired a nigger mage for the party!

by hahasuka April 5, 2017

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Sneaky Magee

To take a few stealthy licks of the anus during connilinigus.

During passionate oral sex I ventured south for a few licks of the of her ass. By the time she noticed and the confusion settled I was back at the vagina and I had just pulled off a Sneaky Magee.

by Gingy Beats May 7, 2011

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