Source Code


The fantasy world/ secret dimension where all missing socks go following a complete cycle in the dryer, never to be seen again. Frequently will happen to favorite or new pairs.

Friend #1: "Kevin put his favorite pair of dress socks in the dryer and only one came out. Now he has a drawer full of socks and none of them match!"

Friend #2: "It must have passed into the Kingdom of Narni-ock"

by LISW February 24, 2009

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random ock

A person of unknown origin someone may briefly liase with

"Who was he?"
"Just some random ock"

by Captain Undies November 14, 2004

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ock tongy

an imaginary form of duck with a forked tongue that can only fly upside down and attacks kamikaze style

dude check out that ock tongy its sooooooo flying upside down

by dr. augustus jackson July 29, 2008

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ick ock

Usually used in Space Station 13 OOC chat (mostly beestation) when someone spoiled something of the current round, most of the time regardless of importance.

epicguy69: "woah Captain killed me really hard there"
ProPlaya: "ick ock and I cut off your cock"

Freemankiller: "Ick Ock"

by Freemankiller September 30, 2019

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Doc Ock

nose hairs that protrude like doctor octopus tentacles

wow did you see joe's doc ock's? he really needs to trim those things in his nose.

by master-blaster February 20, 2009

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Ock language

Developed in the land of the ninja's and perfected in the hills filled with Hokies, the Ock language is a form of communication for the inebriated. The secret language still perplexes many bystanders and evil doers, and allows the true duder to seperate themselves from the pack.

walker: "Sock Hock I Tock, I A Mock Fock U Cock Kock E Dock U Pock!"
evil doer: "Their Ock language is weaking my force field!"

by Sock Hock I Mock Cock Hock I Cock Hock October 6, 2006

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doc no ock

doctor octopus without the octopus

"Bro that meme of doc no ock was so funny hahaha"

by joeygotglow April 20, 2022