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Killing Spree

When a guy gets hurt in a relationship and he aggressively tries to bang as many girls (typically bar skanks) as he can in an attempt to move on and hide from the pain/humiliation of the breakup. It is often paired with excessive alcohol/drug abuse in a dangerous combination of self-destructive behaviour. The term comes from various shooter games where a player comes out much more reckless than usual after being killed in embarrassing fashion.

"Man, Steve hasn't been to class in 2 weeks and he never returns anyone's texts anymore"
"Yeah, after Chelsea broke up with him, all he does is go to the bar and try to wheel the dustiest chicks"
"Yeah dude, he's on a total killing spree"

by JLB237 September 10, 2011

264๐Ÿ‘ 81๐Ÿ‘Ž

Killing Spree

1)In frag based combat, a 'Killing Spree' consists of 5 frags without respawning. Similar to RunningRiot

Hahaha... I got a Killing Spree by spawn killing!

by Mark Browning December 26, 2003

96๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

fuck spree

The thing your ex-girlfriend does, after you break up with her. (for whatever reason)
In lack of comfort you gave her she is emphasising her efforts in finding a new person or at least getting the comfort of being in someones arms for the night.

While you end up alone noticing that girls aren't that easy as they used to seem, when you were in a relationship, she gets lika a million dicks within a short period of time.

A fuck spree can also be an "insane fuck spree", which is the same but with more guys your ex. of a fuck spree is insane depends on your ex's appearence, age and sexual attitude.
Expect the fuck spree to be insane if she is hot.

a: Damn, whats up with your ex? SInce you broke up with her i see her everey weekend disappearing with another guy from xy-club
b: yes, she is on a fuck spree... man
a: dude, i thing she is already on an insane fuck spree.

b: and i haven't even alked to another girl

by spassbremse June 21, 2012

15๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

spree day

Spree Day occurs at Clark University during spring semester. It is a day when classes are cancelled, livers are destroyed, and a carnival is set up on the green. Faculty attempt to keep it a secret but students always end up finding out the exact date. This is convenient since trips to State Liquor are always a must. On Spree Day, students run rampant around campus, drunk by 8 a.m., sober by 4 p.m. and ready for another round of drinks by dinner. Perspective students beware, spree day is off-limits for those under the age of 18.

Damn! I'm getting shitty at 7 a.m. on Spree Day!

Spree Day? It's always a secret. I wish they'd tell us when it was so I could plan my trip to State Liquor.

Last year on Spree Day, my boyfriend rode the mechanical bull in his underwear.

by Lauren MS April 16, 2006

215๐Ÿ‘ 68๐Ÿ‘Ž

popping spree

when you spend a long amount of time in front of your mirror popping pimples/blackheads

I dont have any blackheads because i went on a popping spree yesterday

by gerald12345 August 30, 2011

The Polyphonic Spree

Large band in which every member wears sheets. Their music seems inspirational and positive.

The Polyphonic Spree is an interesting band

by 1069 October 15, 2005

36๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Liking Spree

The act of one liking every post on their Facebook news feed.

Wow, John just went on a huge liking spree.

by Bingold November 11, 2009

44๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž