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On The Pine

Anyone needing a stint on the sideline

Cherry is so on the pine after that

by TheRealRobStokes July 1, 2015

7๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


"Pinee" is derivation of the verb "pining" as in to pine for someone's affection.

A "pinee" is someone who is the object of someone's desperate crush. A "pinee" does not like that person (the piner) back. The relationship is impossible.

Jim really wanted to be with Pam, but she was already in a relationship. Jim is pining for Pam. Pam is the pinee and Jim is the piner.

by TeaDuck March 25, 2017


A local way of referring to the Pine Barrens, large wooded area in the state of New Jersey consisting almost entirely of pines

Joe got lost hunting in the pines today

by Jackle_of_Jersey April 19, 2009

23๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. a large units of marijuana, usually in reference to a large distribution of them.

He's hustling money moving pines.

by RedEye July 28, 2005

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To have ones anus penetrated with a Pine cone.

I was riding my motorcycle when I was pined by a tree.

by arandomusername1234 February 12, 2015

69๐Ÿ‘ 87๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Pines

The Pines A.K.A Frankston North ,is a suburb in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.It is a lower class working area.In the 70s and 80s the pines was at its worst filled with drugs street racing and gangs.Right now The pines is a run down Ghetto area in the city of frankston. It still has a bad rep, and if youre in there especially after dark u better watch ya back.

JHON= Hey i got to walk through The Pines tonight,MARK = watch youre self round there and make sure u get out of there before it gets dark.

by 369 August 19, 2007

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A non-binary, pansexual individual who is your Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Aunt and Uncle. All simultaneously.

Pines!!! My minecraft doesn't work.

by Hexel6 October 22, 2019