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Madam Pipi

A self-proclaimed time travelling gypsy charlatan incarnated from the dust of Tankwa Town. She is a woman of arresting beauty and disconcerting radience. She is charming, mischievous, saucy, and has been certified by a team of expert alienists to be completely mad. The diagnosis indicates that on the Standard Spectrum of Madness she lies between a Hatter and a Sack of Cats.

Interestingly studies have shown that her fortune telling is in fact remarkably accurate, implying that while she claims to be a charlatan she is in fact not.

I first encountered Madam Pipi and her accomplice Tipsi Gypsi while strolling along Thomas street in Cambridge in 1664. They invited me to join them for refreshment in a nearby tavern. I awoke several days later to find myself lying in a gutter suffering from a strange alien malady. For a time I was able to perceive sound in the form of light and indeed other invisible vibrations, and vice versa. Also, to my surprise I found I could visualize fluxions in a multi-dimensional space unknown to me yet strangely familiar (Isaac Newton, 1773)

by AtoMick May 24, 2018

Pipis --> ๐Ÿ”ต

Pipis --> ๐Ÿ”ต

Pipis --> ๐Ÿ”ต

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian October 3, 2021

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pipi Dulce

A Candy flavored penis

Shane likes the Pipi Dulce

by Patronous September 21, 2011

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

pipi monster

a pipi monster is a genetically engineered monster that is white and is shaped somewhat like an onion. a pipi monster is born with hepatitis C. through out its life it is only 1 foot tall when its in normal stage, but it can learn to shrink to about an inch or grow to about 200 feet, pipi monsters are feisty but love their owners if raised right. the are nocturnal creatures and can be thought to fly, burn down house, turn its arms into devices and spread havoc. i am one of the few to own a pipi monster. :) i hope now u know about the pipi monsters.

i love my pipi monster named pipi'rzz

by laz159343 May 26, 2008

23๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

pipi wanga

Mexican slang for limp penis, or erectile dysfunction. Usally used in a derogatory manner.

Girl 1: "Hey there girl friend, I heard you wanted to tell me something about my pasty white guy friend, who drives the blue f-150"
Girl 2: " Yes, Omg he has a pipi wanga , it was such a let down...literally, lmao. "

by chode squad April 11, 2017

Pipi Dulce

Spanish slang for a guy who wants to and is having sex with whoever he can get his hands on.

Translates to candy dick.

"Goyo has pipi dulce, doesn't matter with who."

by Giulanni November 26, 2019

tiny pipi

What i have

I have a tiny pipi

by Monarcas November 17, 2017