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An alcholic beverage consisting of 3 or more shots in a 16 ounce glass. Must in be done in repetition until you are unable to drink anymore. You will achieve tasting when you have blacked out and pissed all of your friends and girlfriend off. Possible results are including, but limited to, arrest, cheating, fights, money lost in casinos, and STDs.

After a few tastes last nite, I woke up in Clark County Jail.

by BBlanc March 6, 2009

4๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


Acronym: Took A Shit Too Easily - aka diarrhea

Usage: "I TASTE"="I took a shit too easily"="I had diarrhea"

Me: I taste last night!

Rebecca: Mmmmm, did you save me some?

by Nomotogo69 August 21, 2022

1๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


a tast is something delicious, or food.

"dude that was tast"
"i need a tast"
"hand me one of those tasts"

by 101001 August 24, 2006

19๐Ÿ‘ 141๐Ÿ‘Ž

taste the bush

To invite oral sex , ask for having oral sex , refer to the pussy!

she's hot , let's taste the bush!

by Bryx November 9, 2015

308๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Plastic Taste

Saying something rude or implite then right after regretting what u said.

you just got done with a fight with a girlfriend etc. and you tell them i am sorry for my plastic taste

by OctoDaddy September 21, 2016

Plastic Taste

Being fake or after a agurment instantly regretting it

Excuse me for my plastic taste

by Stuckeu July 16, 2017

taste buddy

noun: A person who shares the same likes and dislikes in food.

"You also hate asparagus? We're such taste buddies!"
"If I don't know what to eat, I ask my taste buddy"
"If I think it's delish, so does my taste buddy!"

by pzp March 13, 2012