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Dark Path

The act of being on a streak of doing narcotics consistently. To fully embrace your Dark Path, one must combine a massive amount of xanax, alcohol, and cocaine and proceed to drive down your dark path home.

One night Daniel popped 5 xanax before a party, drank two 40 oz. and killed a bottle of burnetts vodka . He arrived to the party and immediately butt chugged a flask of Lairds Vodka. He stumbled to his car and drove 15 miles down his Dark Path.

by DPSHIELDS April 20, 2016

8๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Bridle Path

The most expensive neighbourhood in Toronto, and likely Canada. The main road is the Bridle Path, located in North York. Lots of famous and wealthy people have houses here, like Celine Dion and some of those rich guys on Dragon's Den (or Shark Tank in USA). But mostly it's random billionnaires and tycoons that you've probably never even heard of before. It's spelled "Bridle" as in having to do with horses, not "Bridal" as in having to do with angry women in white satin dresses.

That's the Bridle Path, all the money in Toronto goes right there.

Hey, isn't this the Bridle Path? God, I wanna live here some day...

Look at all those mansions.

by Edgar Scott June 28, 2011

path of pride

An alternate name for the walk of shame, wherein an undergrad youth slinks home from the residence of a member of the opposite sex after a night out partying. Especially applicable to males after a first successful venture.

"I don't think the name 'walk of shame' is appropriate for me. Frankly, I'd prefer to call it a path of pride."

by Moggraider February 12, 2010

18๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Zen Path

A dry spell

David is on a Zen Path

by jaredthedewg January 9, 2015

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Social Path

1. The term mistakenly used by idiots, attempting to sound smart, instead of using term, "sociopath."

Person No. 1: "That guy doesn't care about anyone's feelings

Person No. 2: "Yeah. Complete social path."

Person No. 3: "You should probably give up on life right now."

by Anon65 April 25, 2011

35๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Primrose Path

To be "led down the primrose path" is an idiom suggesting that one is being deceived or led astray, often by a hypocrite

Don't let that girl lead you down the primrose path.

by FreakTower January 11, 2012

15๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

path to nowhere

a gacha game about lesbian criminals

bro, have you played path to nowhere? i think youโ€™d like hecate, you get her for free in the prologue

by bigbrainasian January 2, 2023