Source Code


F= First
R= Race

Look at the 5.0L It is like 7 car lengths ahead of that Rice Burning Civic

by G July 23, 2003

103πŸ‘ 86πŸ‘Ž


When someone is hurt by an idiot in a mustang trying to show off

β€œWhere’s Dave?”
β€œBro, Dave was watching people burnout and got mustanged hard and now has a feeding tube”

by Bluejoffles May 29, 2020


Fishtailing uncontrollably is a rear wheel drive car

β€œLook at that retard mustanging”

by EEEEEE47 May 2, 2021


An American muscle car made by the Ford Motor Company. The vehicle became successful with the release of the first generation models from 1964 to 1973. The cars from this era are often heralded as being 'legendary' and epitomise the American passion for 'American Muscle'. The car was used by legendary actors such as Steve McQueen, and its image has been romanticised in recent years by enthusiasts.

The Mustang has continued to be built, but coolness has waned since the initial iconic vehicle. The second generation, from 1974 to 1978 is generally considered to be a flop, and the third and fourth generation Mustangs were optimistic, though by far lacking the aesthetic and inspirational aspects of the original. The power to engine size ratio of these cars was generally rather poor stock (140hp from a 4.9L engine in a top spec model) and these cars failed to mimic the success of the initial vehicle.

In 2004, Ford unveiled a 5th generation of 'Stangs with a body very reminiscent of the very first Mustangs (I think they are gorgeous) and the current generation of the Mustangs is perhaps a revitalisation of the old dream.

Though perhaps it is proving more difficult than it seems. Today the Mustang is a dying breed. Sure the current model is pretty cool, and manages more than 140bhp, but the concept of American Muscle is difficult to emulate, in an age of Super Active Yaw Control when you can get 405bhp from 2.0L engines. The engine of the current Mustang is said to be made out of 'volcanic rock and pig iron' and is said to produce less power for its size than the Daewoo Matiz. The current Mustang is built by a Vietnamese man and was designed by a Canadian.

But this doesn't stop us from loving the Mustang, which embraces that 'American' part of our soul. The part of the soul which doesn't care if the 8.9L engine is only producing 40bhp, the part of you that just loves the charm and grace of the Mustang, with a V8, roaring down the Interstate.

"Its the 4.6L V8 from a Mustang, and it's a terrible engine. Its got two valves per cylinder, its made from volcanic rock and pig iron, it produces carbon dioxide in lumps the size of houses, it produces less power for its size than an engine in the Daewoo Matiz, and if you push it, it does about 9 miles to the gallon. Its rubbish"

Man at the lights in a Civic - "yo dude, race my NOS powered Civic"
Man at the lights in a Mustang - "OK"
(Civic gets smoked)

Man at the lights in a Nissan Skyline - "you dude, race my efficient and powerful Nissan Skyline"
Man at the lights in a Mustang - "OK"
(Mustang gets smoked)
Man at the lights in a Mustang - (I've got to learn to say more)

by NotTanvirHonest March 1, 2008

41πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


The most bad ass vehicle ever engineered. This car has an incredibly large aftermarket and a huge following. Mustangs can usually be found in your own town burning rice rockets and camaros.

Isn't it interesting that Ford still makes the Mustang and GM quit making F-bodies in 2002!? Oh and Mustangs came out earlier too!!

by nick September 11, 2003

97πŸ‘ 90πŸ‘Ž


Love it or hate it, a car that will make people envy you or want to fuck you. The only sports car left standing after Camaro and Firebird bit the dust. A reason to have an inflated ego and think your one B.A.M.F! Can also make you look 10x sexier/hotter than before.

Guy A: Dude, did you just see that chick?
Guy B: The one that just got out that Mustang?
Guy A: Yeah!
Guy B: She is dog ass ugly!
Guy A: Right now, yeah, but when she was behind the wheel of that Mustang she was smokin'

by BrokeRich March 24, 2009

33πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


Leftover beer from a party that reappears at another function. Usually the least desirable and never more than one of each brand/type.

"Dude, what's in the fridge? Bud Ice Light? Sam Adams Brown Ale? Corona Light? Fosters?"

"Yeah, Mike brought a bunch of mustangs from his party"

by Rizzo February 23, 2005

23πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž