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treacle hunter

An adult male who inserts a mid-sized crochet hook into his urethra. Once reaching the base of the penis, makes a sharp twist and pulls the urethra out backwards.

Overly curious ER patient: "What's wrong with that guy, his crotch is covered in blood?"

ER nurse: "Oh, just another treacle hunter"

by spozbot March 16, 2010

treacle vent

Refers to a small/tight air vent or slag for "tight ass hole" a example where this would be used " I smashed her treacle vent in "

I smashed her treacle vent in

by Lloyderino March 7, 2014

Fecal Treacle

When the fecal matter you're defacating has the consistency of treacle

I really need to eat more fiber, it's impossible to push out all the fecal treacle

by Matt.Ed September 22, 2020

Treacle sponge

When you take a large watery shit on a sponge and you shove it up a girls vagina or a mans urethra

I gave Martha a treacle sponge last night

by Nullifiedgoose December 23, 2020

Moist treacle

Another name to describe jail-bait, between adolescent males.

(liam) "oh craig, that girl there is proper fit aint she?''

(craig) ''what ya talking about, thats obviously MOIST TREACLE''

by GiggleCum January 4, 2012

treacle rag

A sticky wank rag

I just jizzed then wiped it up with my treacle rag

by Arse Panda June 25, 2017