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A sexual procedure wherein a man inserts his index and/or middle finger(s) discretely into a woman's vagina while other people are in the room; all of which are completely oblivious to the sexual actions occuring across the room.

Man1: Did you hear about so-and-so and what's-her-face last Friday night?

Man2: No, what happened?

Man1: So-and-so totally 'vanced' her at that-one-guy's house!

Man2: No way!

Man1: Oh yeah, he totally 'vanced' her.

by Jack Beddingfield April 21, 2009

197๐Ÿ‘ 130๐Ÿ‘Ž


one who is fucked in the head and obsessed with the thought of pussy.

That guy was obsessed with pussy, he's such a vance.

by Lindsey Lee April 25, 2006

249๐Ÿ‘ 219๐Ÿ‘Ž


A 3rd party YouTube app you use to get all YouTube Premium features for free. It was discontinued officially on March 2022 for legal reasons. Launched initially as a root-based "YouTube hack" for Android devices in 2017, Vanced has seen a massive cult following over the years. Thankfully, many alternatives and replicas of Vanced now exist, the most notable and popular one being ReVanced. Fair warning though, the community surrounding ReVanced seems quite like a circlejerk and is hostile to anyone that doesn't put the project nor its devs on a pedestal.

For Android users there are many ways to get Re-Vanced, which can be a bit confusing (I certainly was). To my knowledge there are only three ways:

โ–ธ First way is to install both ReVanced and MicroG from an apk. You will then be able to use ReVanced as a separate app.
โ–ธ Second way is only for rooted Android devices, which is a magisk module that modifies the existing YouTube app into ReVanced (the "YouTube hack").
โ–ธ A third wayโ€”which is what most would recommendโ€”is ReVanced manager. It's sorta like a combination of the first two methods. Within the manager you can either choose to install ReVanced as a separate app, or modify the existing YouTube app for root-privileged users.

Tl;dr 1st is quick and dirty. 2nd is most convenient for rooted users. 3rd is official and has the best of both worlds.

First two are obtained from an unofficial website called revanced.io, the 3rd is obtained from official GitHub.

I did the 2nd way because I was rooted and didn't care for a separate YT or manager app. Don't listen to anyone who says not to try the unofficial site and its methods, they work perfectly. Enough of that "mAlwArE" fearmongering BS. And to be fair, revanced.io is probably the most 'official' unofficial site out there for ReVanced. I would be cautious of other sites though.

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian December 18, 2022

1๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of taking vyvanse. A state in which someone is so cracked out that they may experience tunnel vision, extreme focus, sweaty palms, clammy extremities, heart attack, and/or death. This person will do nothing but work. The ultimate ADD medicine

I haven't been to class all semester; however, I am vancing so hard right now that I did all of my work. I'm so afraid... I can feel my heart pounding, and my limbs are cold.

by Sir Vance-a-Lot May 11, 2011

5๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


Inhabitant of the city of Vancouver B.C.,in the spirit of Londoners referring to people from Manchester Mancs, a person down visiting the U.S. from Vancouver B.C.

Did you see that bald headed Vanc twonk eh?

by Bnoz July 12, 2018

3๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


to get fingered from across the room

this girl got vanced in my math class

by the cripple who is whole July 17, 2009

24๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž


The process of advancing to the next week in the season, typically in reference to Connected Franchise mode in the video game Madden NFL.


by FALS3xPR0PH3T March 30, 2022