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your dad is 44

Famous lyric used by Big Shaq(Roadman Shaq) in the song: "Man's Not Hot"

Hopping out the Ford door, with the .44, that's 1,2,3, and 4. Chilling in the corridor. Your dad is 44.

by dankting November 27, 2017

37👍 3👎

your dad lesbian

An alternative to, "your mom gay". +10 ATK

Retard 1: your mom gay, haha!
4th grade niggas: XD
Retard 2: your dad lesbian!
4th grade niggas: OOO0000000ooooo

by The Whale Bear March 16, 2018

19👍 1👎

Where is your dad?

You say this whenever someone who is communist based, says something unreal.

Steven: "Bro get some bitches!"
Elijah: "Get some bitches this, get some bitches that, like bro where is your dad?"

by xinese April 19, 2021

I'm your dad

A comeback of the "yo' mama" genre. If you really think about its implications, it's rather insulting.

Steve: "Yo' mama blows so hard she started Hurricane Katrina tryin' to put out the candles on her birthday cake."
Tony: "Awwww sheeit..."
Derek: "All right."
Steve: "Yo' brother so broke and stupid he went to the Nickelback concert to try to get 5 cents."
Tony: "Diggity damn..."
Derek: "Oh yeah?"
Steve: "Yeah. And I heard your sister got a summer job breedin' hound dogs!"
Tony: "Ooh...that hurts."
Derek: "Well I'm your dad."
Steve: "What?"
Derek: "Yeah, just got the paternity test results. I remember that night. I was in line right behind the St. John's basketball team."
Tony: "Ooooooh snap! You just got served, son."

by Nick D September 8, 2005

78👍 29👎

your dad lesbian

6th graders favorite comeback, its WAY WORSE than "your mom gay" like if you say it, the person you saying it too dies, like DAYYUM

bob: hey Steve, your dad lesbian.

steve: *dies instantly*

by qqDad January 27, 2019

your dad is gay

Ouch !

Me: Hi!
Them: your dad is gay

Me: *dies of cardiac arrest*

by Grotezk November 17, 2021

Your dad’s sneeze

The loudest sound in the universe

I can’t hear anything because of your dad’s sneeze

by spectre729 July 30, 2019