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In no-limit poker, to bet all of your chips as a sign of total confidence in your hand.

If you have a very good hand, go all-in to win the maximum number of chips or to scare off mediocre hands so they won't catch the cards they need to beat yours. If you have a bad hand, you can bluff by going all-in and hope everyone folds.

I went all-in on thirty miles and that river rat caught a runner-runner flush.

by Coell November 10, 2005

57๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

all but

A phrase which once meant "anything excluding" or "not" but now which means absolutely nothing and is used by Yankees to indicate a lack of intelligence unbeknown to them.

Paul (From Tennessee): I got an 11 on my ACT...

Brutus (From New York): I got a 35, I am all but intelligent.

Paul: Are you sure they didn't mix up our tests?

Brutus: Oh wait, I didn't even take the ACT.

by Rihanyce May 22, 2010

53๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

All That

A show that,in the 90's,was really cool and funny.Now,it's stupid,repetitive,unfunny,and usually has a sucky musical performance.

Good: REPAIR MAN,MAN,MAN,*I dun remember how many times he said man*


by Rinku May 5, 2005

135๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž


A/all: chat room slang used in the S&M,D&B room to talk to the whole room the capital A is for the master the small a os for the submisives

slave_1: Hi A/all
Master_1: slave_1

by anon-131 August 22, 2006

12๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

That is all

Pithy dismissal of all attempts to continue engagement in conversation, online posting, flaming, trolling, etc.

Rational poster: <List of points as to why flamer is a tool>. That is all.

Flamer: <Weak attempt at continuing to argue, change the topic, bait and switch, etc.>

Flamer: Wait, I'm not done with you yet!

Flamer: Your silence just shows you know I'm right!

etc, etc, ad infinitum/nauseam

Also, it was the closing line in M*A*S*H years before it was uttered by Darth Vader: P.A. Announcer: (clears his throat) Attention. Tonight's movie has been "M*A*S*H." Follow the zany antics of our combat surgeons as they cut and stitch their way along the front lines, operating as bombs and bullets burst around them; snatching laughs and love between amputaions and penicillin.
Colonel Blake: (Watches as a jeep rolls away) Did Hawkeye steal that jeep?
Radar: No, sir. That's the one he came in.
Colonel Blake: Oh, very good. Come along, my dear.
(He and Lt. Leslie leave)
P.A. Announcer: Follow Hawkeye, Trapper, Duke, Dago Red, Painless, Radar, Hot Lips, Dish and Staff Seargeant Vollmer as they put our boys back together again.
SSgt. Gorman: Goddamn army.
P.A. Announcer: That is all.
(a gong sounds and the screen suddenly goes black. End of movie)

by DanDaWriter April 11, 2012

22๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

it's all

slang term which actually means "it's all gone" or "finished"

"hey, we still have some beer left, eh?"
"nah, it's all."

by missanthropy February 16, 2006

14๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


1.Everything summed up into one word;
2.The equivelant of reaching spiritual enlightment

1. All

2. To become allular, you must drink of the bonus up, and eat of the krapper. To reach all, you must follow the all-o-gistics.

by Tom-the-definer July 5, 2006

63๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž