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A douch bag, creeper or somebody who sucks at life.

"Your a little krapper."

Darcey and Camren act like krappers.

Don't be a krapper and tell on me!

Pee Wee herman is a krapper.

by wezizkrappaz April 7, 2009

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A phrase used to describe an individual who is listening to Rap or Hip-Hop, likely with headphones, and starts rapping to it, to include hand motions but sounding 100 times worse than the original rapper who recorded the song.

Can be spelled "Crapper" and is synonmous with the excrement collection device by the same name.

"That dude thinks his rhymes are dope, but he ain't nothing but a Krapper"

by GableRoofer August 4, 2018

Karri Krapper

When you go to wipe your ass, but miss with the paper and get some shit on your fingers.

Hahaha, you just pulled a Karri Krapper!

by Bahahahahahahahahaha12 May 19, 2011

11👍 1👎


A Korean rapper

DAM! Did you see BY the krapper yestersay?

by Johnthekrapper5231 April 5, 2017