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biological clock

A senior member of the Clock Crew, and a very distinguished, dignified, and proper gentleman.

Also known as "Bio"

"Biological Clock is looking rather posh in his new trousers, wouldn't you say?"

by Golden Clock March 31, 2005

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biological terrorist

Someone who uses their own body fluids/wastes to terrorize others.

1) "There was a huge pile of human poo on the floor outside of my door this morning. I see the biological terrorist struck again."

2) "Tom is such a biological terrorist; he was trying to touch me with a booger he picked out of his nose. Gross."

by hahaidontgetit April 8, 2009

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biological symphasis disorder

A disease in which your brain tells that you don't have to urinate when the bladder is indeed full. Biological Symphasis often results in peeing one's pants.

Person 1: "Dude, Jennifer just pissed her pants!!"
Person 2: "She can't help it, she has Biological Symphasis Disorder"

by CrackHead* July 25, 2009

non-human biologics

In ufology, "non-human biologics" is a term employed by military contractor engaged in crash retrieval, storage, and study of downed UFOs. The term refers to any living (or no longer living) creatures, plants, and microbes discovered in a retrieved UFO. The term usually refers to the presumed pilots of the craft, but actually any living material can be a biologic. The term is critical for the systematic itemization and cataloging of all pieces of debris retrieved from a crash site.

UFO insiders claim that some of the non-human pilots recovered (dead or alive) from crashed UFOs have proven to be what are called "biologic robots," which are basically machines with living flesh incorporated into their construction. Those robots get included in the category of "non-human biologics" by the crash retrieval teams as they sift through the wreckage and start separating and packaging the debris for transport and storage. The two main categories for itemizing each crash site fragment start off as "biologic" and "non-biologic." And from there, myriad sub-categories include such labels as "exotic materials," and "non-human intelligence," to name just a few.

This classification is necessary since all biological material (dead or alive) needs to be subject to preservation efforts (such as climate controlled transport and storage), and also needs to handled with HAZMAT levels of caution to shield the human members of crash retrieval teams from contamination by any incidental pathogens.

The crash retrieval team arrived at the debris field of a crashed UFO and found several non-human biologics in and around the crash site. Most of the non-human biologics were dead, but one was still very much alive, but seriously injured.

by Innocent Byproduct July 27, 2023

Biological Sleep Clock

An internal clock where tells your body when to sleep and when to stay awake. It can be altered due to your habits, job, travels, etc.

My biological sleep clock is always changing becuase I travel so much!

by Karl Larkins February 18, 2015

Improvised biological warfare

When you cough or sneeze on someone to spread a disease or virus

Hey Ben I just used improvised biological warfare on the antivax kid and gave him covid-19

by Nukey dukey March 12, 2020

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Biological Gino

When the vagina shoots the freshly recieved cum back into the guy, killing him.

"Her Biological Gino Killed Me"

by niclfm December 28, 2009

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