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1. A leaf based vegetable, with green or purple leaves.

2. When used with reference to a person, a idiot, moron, retard, or most other insults.

1. A brought a mouldy cabbage.

2. Grant is such a cabbage.

by Scion April 16, 2004

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common word used to replace cunt should you not want to offend whoever you're talking to.

GF (with friends): "Hey baby"
BF: "Awww baby, why'd you bring those cabbages"

by Superiority September 13, 2007

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a taxi cab

grub is to grubbage
as cab is to cabbage

can also refer to another form of transportation, or ride.

my car broke down, so im gonna have to go find some cabbage

by pedro! November 5, 2005

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Cabbage (ka-bij)

a. Adj. Cabbage is what circus midgets smell like. Used to describe a person who smells foul like cabbage. see also Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery.

b. N. Someone who smell like the fool smelling vegetable with the same name.

a. You are a cabbage person!

b. You're such a cabbage!

by eboyd32 June 4, 2007

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when one's pissflaps lose tenacity

1: "man u still shaggin winny?"
2: "yeh totally dude bin trawlin her for a year or so now...she's becomin a bit of a cabbage patch kid tho."
1: "you fuck"

by pirate-core November 3, 2003

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Person with a low amount of brain cells, dumb, slow in the head.

"Whens the 5 o'clock bus coming?"

"Wtf!, what a cabbage!"

by Ezy Garcia October 18, 2007

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a taxi...as in cab...cabbage!

i'm sick of waiting for a bus. Lets call a cabbage.

by slimey January 14, 2005

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