Source Code

Active Camo

The glowing blue orb power-up in the Halo series.
When you pick it up, for a limited time, you become invisible.
When you fire, while in active camo mode, your invisbility will temporarily go away, only to come back after a few seconds of not shooting.

OMFG. That homo keeps getting the fucking active camo, and assasinating me !!!!!
*breaks controller in half*

by KoolKarlen July 21, 2009

25πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Camo Pimp

A member of the Military that can meet up with and seduce many women at once. Must be in the Uniformed Armed Services. Must be able to Pull Women like a flat bed to a mini-van. Must be known around the base as a real ladies man and must be polite or stone cold, depending on the situation. Has mad game and when one lady gets to hooked he knows when to drop that broad and pick up her friend.

Hey did you see Sgt. Smith last night at the club?

Yeah he had 3 women fighting over him and one on his arm and the other buying him a drink.

What a Camo Pimp!

by MilitaryMan5 April 14, 2010

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camo toe

when her camoflauge is (fatigues) just tight enough that her camel toe is showing

"Sir! Did you see that lady with the camo toe, sir?!"

"Senator, I don't think we've been able to find Osama Bin Laden because we've all been staring at Sgt. Chrissy Smith's camo toe."

by Genesee October 2, 2009

17πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Camo Water

When you leave a cold water in a warm vehicle, resulting in your water to be mixed warm and cold.

β€œHey man you got any cold water?”

β€œIt was cold, but now it’s probably Camo Water by now”

by CumminsMafia October 3, 2021


A shat that is multiple shades of brown, usually embedded in the same gnarly turd. Not to be confused withpoopinashit.
It's the product of eating chinese food, thai food, mexican food, and pizza within a 24 hr. period.

Fella: "Yo, G-Dawg, I think I just joined the armed forces!"

G-Dawg: "Sup, You shit a camo-turd?"

Fella: "Yeah mane, howd you know?"

G-Dawg: "Cause we ate the same thing today, fella."

by rubtwostix January 25, 2012

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camo jizz

v. to ejaculate on your hand and then smear your jizz all over your face like war paint.

morgan flicked her bean and camo jizzed her self.

by j jesus July 26, 2006

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active camo

Used to describe the effect perceived (or rather, not) when an African-American fellow is photographed or encountered in a dark environment.

"I never saw the thing coming, officer! It... it blended in with it's dark environment, then, then my purse! It was GONE! WHAT WAS IT?!"

"I'll tell you what it was, Ms. McFinney... One of them... African Americans. Over the years they've evolved some sort of... active camo!"

by Adam McDonald April 27, 2006

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