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Cannibal Corpse

Fucking brutal death metal band that would kick Justina Bieber's little ass if they had to.

Justin Bieber: "I'm badass. I challenged Tom Cruise to a fight".

Cannibal Corpse: "That's cute".

by METALRULES!! February 4, 2021

3👍 1👎

Cannibal Corpse

A death metal band that attempts to offend people with disgusting lyrics and ridiculous song names. I know they are suppose to play to a niche market but most of their fans are probably 12 years olds who try to look different and insane.

The actual fans of this group I can respect since they are being sincere, the preteen I want to be different so I can look cool can jump off a bridge.

by hasafienda February 24, 2005

69👍 95👎

Cannibal Corpse

A terribly overrated death metal band. They arent really that good, they just gained death metal some popularity because people had never had never heard a thing like it before and thought it was really really skull crushingly heavy. generic growls also.

if you want some good death metal with sick art and weird lyrics, go listen to cattle decapitation, at least they sound cool.

by Liberate te ex Inferis January 19, 2005

85👍 146👎

Cannibal Corpse

Fucking stupid death metal band with song names such as "Meathook Sodomy", "Fucked With A Knife", and "I Cum Blood". Stupid prepubescent subject matter. And to make matters worse, their lead singer can't sing worth shit (if you can even call that singing, you can't even tell what the fuck he's saying).

Listen to some Cannibal Corpse? Nah, I'd rather stick this steel rod up my ass. Seems like it'd be less painful.

by TallicaD00d January 14, 2005

99👍 186👎

Cannibal Corpse

Sickest death metal band in existence, horny and gory and full of fun. Their singer George Fisher is a sexy beast with a neck twice the size of his head

Have you heard of cannibal corpse?
No, are they good?
Hell yeah brother

by AsthmaticChicken April 30, 2022

1👍 1👎

Cannibal Corpse

led by zero-talent frontman george 'corpsegrinder' fisher, who growls indecipherable tidbits of ignorance to the mindless audience. fisher is one of the pioneers of the 'windmill' style of head-banging. he took it from pete townshend of the who's windmill style of guitar strumming. the talent went down 'exponentially' when fisher did his headbanging. each time he moves his head up and down in that infamous quick fashion, it kills six of his worthless w.o.w. brain cells. he started iut with 167. he know has -2345676543. yes, that is negative. cannibal corpse also features pat o'brien and rob barret on guitar (that god-awful low-pitched rumble), alex webster on bass (dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun!), and paul mazurkiewicz on drums (double bass drumming only). they are members of the record label 'metal blade', which is a long-time stronghold for shitty "death-metal" bands.

alex needs to learn how to use the word "exponentially", and all of it's roots and outcroppings. cannibal corpse sucks, but they are funny to watch live, especially when you are stoned (which alex must also learn how to do/get). and boy, that corpsegrinder sure is funny when he goes on his ultra-ignorant rants regarding world of warcraft and growling (the proper way to growl and yell is 'from the diaphragm").

by liberalwizardtyler June 17, 2008

47👍 230👎

Cannibal corpse status

Used in the same way as "Death metal" but being more descriptive to Violence, blood and gore since not ALL death metal is about blood and gore. This makes reference to the infamous "Gore metal" band, Cannibal Corpse, whose lyrics surround this theme of death, blood, guts, gore etc.

A phrase used in the heavy metal community to describe something that falls into the following categories:

-Excessive blood and gore
-Other human or animal mutilation
-horrific and painful Death

"That final scene in Zombie Massacre was so Cannibal Corpse Status!"

A violent scene in Texas Chainsaw Massacre, "Thats straight up Cannibal Corpse Status!"

by Nick Galvatron April 22, 2008

15👍 11👎