Source Code


1. A form of degree used in order to make sure children are not enjoying themselves. Stands for Certified Buster of Shit. Parents must qualify by passing 150 question Series CBS examintation, at any Thomson Prometric Testing Center.

My dad is such a fuckin CBS, he always calls me in the middle of bong tokes

by Blair/Chris June 28, 2005

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cum bucket no need to explain

i volenteered to be the cb last week

by fred alberto June 30, 2007

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One who cock blocks another from being able to engage with a woman in any social manner. Mostly referred to as a CB. Also refers to guys who are with good looking woman but shouldn't be. Guys who try to attract the attention of the woman you are speaking to.

I was Cb'd by this guy last night at the club. I was talking to this girl and he walked up offered to buy her a drink right in front of me! What a CB.

by Ray McLure January 4, 2006

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An acronym for "Cold Bed Syndrome".

This is the singles' disorder, where one cannot go to sleep unless someone is there next to them.

Cold Bed Syndrome is most common during the first few months of new-found singledom, but is also common among those who have been single for extended periods of time; especially when said single person has many friends who are in relationships.

The contrary to this would be HBS, or "Hot Bed Syndrome", which is most common among those who are in unhappy relationships and would rather lose sleep than to sleep next to their counterpart.

I've had a horrible case of CBS ever since me and the girlfriend broke up.

by Abe417 September 8, 2010

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CBS = Cash,Bag and Shag

Abbreviation that ballers use while speaking with the boys before a night out, holiday..etc

Alright lads, CBS tonight?

by CBS July 4, 2014

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short for a cockblock meaning one who interrupts what would be an otherwise successful sale of a product but ends up pissing the customer off, hence losing that particular sale.

I would have sold that shit but that CB Mon Japles just had to butt in.

by bitchslap your momma November 11, 2009

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The network to watch the best fiction TV shows...aka 60 Minutes.

Wow, Dan Rather tell the whole truth!

by J September 29, 2004

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