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chav actually stands for council house and violent.
they tend to be quite thick and self-obsessed and use their own made-up words such as blud or merc

chav: what ya lookin at blud?
emo: nothing good
chav:come say it to my face, i'll merc ya
*emo walks over*
*chav runs away to his benefit paid rented flat, and gets high*

by TheEmoOne August 28, 2008

13๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


And under culture of growing moronic fags who have never worked and wear the equivalent of a bin bag with a logo on for clothing.

To show How 'hard' they are as they call it, they huddle into large groups (of about thirty) and 'start' on small children or old age pensioners.

But the 'hard' doesn't stop there! They also wear industrial standards gold painted jewelery to make it look like they have been through 'pain'

As well as fashion, they are extremely good at breeding. God knows how when they look like they shoved their piles covered faces into a grease fryer but the average chav can be seen with 6 children and a chavvette mother putrid enough to make you squirm.

They also have an obsession with other peoples moms. Now this is beyond my grasp of why, but if it makes them happy then they should be killed.

Sayings include:
"I shagged ya mom last night and she was good"
"I'll shank ya!!" (see shank)
"Gimme 50p mate!!!"

Overall, chavs are lazy scumbags of Britain who don't work and who the tax payers like ourselves have to pay for. Make them work!

And remember! They want your mom!

I'm walking down a road... 30 chavs appear... MATE GIMME 50p!!! I take a gun out, they run.

by br333br333 March 24, 2008

18๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


The typical definition of a chav is almost very certain to fix ideas in many heads.
For one, these can be recognised by their so called 'Bling' , the lowest of all jewellery that is available from many markets, Argos, Woolworths and others.

Their clothes. Picture a school kid, approx. 14 - 17, dressed in a wide range of 'top' brands of clothing. Burberry, not to mention the price, FAKES. Fred Perry, their designer sign in whole striped tops and their ancient ยฃ5 tracksuit pants or 'Trackies' with the noticable 'boulder burn' from the amount of Cannabis they smoke. And their trainers, tough old Rockports. Whenever did the name of Rockport, the expensive good brand which now is recognised as 'Chavvy'

Normally. They purchase old, wrecked cars from Metros to Escorts and take them to Kwik-Fit and use their benefits usually paying the bills on large alloys wheels. Their car, boasting a massive stereo normally a CD-Player with a wasteful, tasteless amplifier glued to the boot lid.

Their fashion for underage unprotected sex when under the influence of alcohol is not the only put down. They ruin the beer brands. And smoke, booze and end up dieing early.

Potencially found on alleyways infested with the smell or urine and excrement, drug tools suchas 'Buckets, bongs' and 'Joint stubs' , not to forget, the broken up WKD bottles and empty 'dogged' Vodka quarter bottles.

These are the most stupid, denied mixture of society you just feel like sending to an island with the occasional reptile and make them suffer.

Keep away you fools..

Dirty, dingy, boozing, drug-abusing and unprotected sex at 13...

by GregUKUK June 1, 2005

72๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


Chav/ Chavette(female)/ Neds/ Kevs etc

Robert Hartland's version, Influenced By Stewart Goodarzi and William Sewell (thankyou).

A young teenage yobo wearing, a real fake burberry Check hat at 90degrees with the front Quiff of his hair gelled! For the t-shirt, A stone island/henry loyd/ or also a sh*tty old addidas t-shirt (commonly worn by the cheap chavs!)is a must have.
For trousers; Addidas/Kappa orlecoqsportif trakkie bottoms Allways tucked into there old footie socks nicked from the local team,
For shoes a pair of sparkling white nike shocks or for the cheap chavs a pair of reebok classics.
But to top it all off they flash off their recently stolen Bling, Bling!! from the back of an argos truck. While smoking the cheapest fags around (Richmond superking are the favorites) and chopsing an innocent 16/17yr old boy who is just trying to walk home in peace.
The female version of this known as kappa slapper or chavette she acts in a similar way and dresses in similar fasion except 3 differences these are, 1) They hav to keep 1 hand free so they may push around there pram with there recently born baby drapped in burberry clothes.
2)They wear their hair in a tight bunch known as the 'Council housed face lift'
3)They wear hooped earings so big a 20stone man could use them as a hoop to swing round and round his waist.

by Robert William Hartland November 15, 2004

182๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž


council house associated vermin

chav: person who live's on benifit but doesn't benifit society him: (chav, her: (chavette)
unlike people who are just out of luck, these people, 'chav's' actively avoid work and are a nuisance to normal people. is associated with council houses, but can be a fashion statement for the lower IQ, eg, Jade Goody, Jordan, N-Dubbs, (could be spelt different, but who cares)

by Shropshire April 14, 2009

27๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


A young adult aged 12-17 wearing and cap,a hoodie with hood up even though its broad daylight and he already has a cap on, adidas tracksuit trousers and has around 200 peices of jewlery from argos worth 5 pounds in total and thinks he is hard because he smokes, his pregnant girlfriend is only 13 and his cap has some lines called burberry but would run for his life if someone hit him because his fight scenario is "cmon then! (shove) cmon then! (shove) you startin!"

Crash course on how to speak chav
common catchphrases

cmon then!
you startin!
sort us a fag

by samdude 363 August 6, 2005

63๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


A label stupid, poor, lower class, trampy people gave themselves in order to fit into some kind of steriotypical group (because all the other groups reject them).

They live in estates, feeding off our taxes through benefits, which they spend on countless rings, thick gold chains, cigarettes and alcohol.

If it wasn't for the government these people would be homeless.

simple as.

Copper: You're under arrest.
Chav: What the fuck for?
Copper: Swearing at a police officer!

by the_end_is_nigh (myspace) August 2, 2005

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