Source Code


A fine art form, in which the person plays a Sports video-game & repeatedly taps a defensive button. For example, on FIFA 09 you would repeatedly tap slide tackle, or on NBA 2K9 you'd repeatedly tap 'block'


by Paul Willis January 16, 2009

42πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


The Sewell: Biggest dick in the room.
A Sewell: A dick that is at least 10in.
The biggest/best dick a woman has experienced.

"The sewell he had was amazing"
"Who has the sewell?"

"Who is The Sewell?"

by Bigben10 April 11, 2021

2πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


To strategically mislead someone into believing what you are telling them is true when in fact you are lying through your teeth.

Conning people and stretching the truth beyond elasticity

β€œ I just Sewell’d my job interview β€œ

β€œ this sounds like a bunch of Sewell”

β€œ the officer knew he had met the biggest Sewell when the man told him he had been shot at”

by Simplelife January 4, 2018

2πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


The act of masturbating in public.

I say Wilburforce, is that man partaking in a quick Sewell?

Why yes Alfred, I believe he is. Wow, he's Sewelling at quite the rate there, what?

Quite so Wilby, let's watch from behind this conveniently placed peep-hole...

by Daniel Sewell February 3, 2007

70πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

Herb Sewell

a sick twisted freak who comes off like a gracious, learned and well-spoken man. A master of deceiving his true intentions. Beware of this person.

Herb Sewell is a pedophile amd murderer who is currently on parole from the Atascadero Hospital for the Criminally Insane - a California state mental hospital for dangerous criminals run by the California Department of Corrections. Herb was sent there on various occasions from pedophilia to kicking his wife Diane out of a moving car going 95 mph on the Grapevine highway in Northern LA county.

Herb Sewell comes off as a well-spoken, gracious and eloquent man who likes to leer and work up saliva in the corners of his mouth. He was a cellmate and close friend of Walter Bellhaven, a cannibal and child rapist who went on a child rape and murder spree in the 1970's. Herb currently does World War 2 historical research and does motivational speeches and commencement speeches - one particular speech he does is called "Did the Crime, did the time."

Father: Son! you shouldn't do nasty things like that! You might end up getting adopted by Herb Sewell.

Son: AHHH! Father you are right! Pleeeze forgive me!

by Bobby Dooley July 9, 2009

58πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Tom Sewell

The next Australian FΓΌhrer

Tom Sewell is the leader of the National Socialist Network of Australia and currently a political prisoner writing Mein Kampf v.2

Hail Victory!

by AussieAdo88 June 11, 2021

18πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Sewell Park

1. A great park where a river runs right through it located next to campus at Texas State University, when your driving by there on the first hot friday afternoon of the year, have your insurance ready because you will crash looking at all the nice ass laying on the grass of the hill.
2. Awesome place to go chill.

1. Holy shit i love texas state because of Sewell Park. Yes!
2. Dude im hungover you wanna go chill at sewell?

by TxStateStudent112 February 28, 2009