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See shithole. Place in Oregon overinfested by hicks and ignorant slobs. Wait, that's the same thing. The home of the one cool Drain native, Tim George.

Drain? Hey, I've driven through there once. Isn't that nothing but a main street and a high school.

by Megz n Denzer July 9, 2004

10πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


When a dude wanks too many times in one day.

Eddie: Brad you ok?, ya look zombified

Brad: Man I've been draining big time, gotta lay off the porn for awhile

by calypto234324 November 6, 2009

20πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž


To be left on open specifically on Snapchat

β€œDid grace answer you?”
β€œNo she drained me”

by Ragingskittle November 26, 2017

2πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Mash the Drain

When you cannot get out of the shower fast enough to shit so you accidentally drop loaf in the tub. You must now mash it down the drain with your big toe.

"I had no time to jump out of the shower to crap out last night's tacos so I had to mash the drain cuz I shit the tub ."

by will bitten October 6, 2016

3194πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

drain drenching

The act of pissing down the floor drain in a public bathroom.

Tommy was drunk and had to piss but the urinals were full so he just went drain drenching.

by Poot there it is!!! December 14, 2016

Draining the mongoose

The act of urinating; draining the lizard basically.

"I was draining the mongoose. It needed drainin'."

by Biggie Rection September 23, 2023

drain the swamp

"Drain the swamp" originally means to get rid of the malaria-carrying mosquitoes by draining the swamp. Figuratively, "drain the swamp" means "to exterminate something that is harmful" or anything that most of the people hate such as corruption or government waste. This term is especially attractive for politicians during campaign.

vow to drain the swamp in Washington DC
vow to drain the swamp of big government

by vanderpol August 1, 2010

358πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž