Source Code

Maggie's Drawers

A red flag raised at a military firing range to indicate that a shooter has missed the target.

I shot ten rounds and all I got was Maggie's Drawers.

by Bumkicker Slade April 24, 2005

105πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

Goodie drawer

A drawer that holds all of your "pleasure" items, suchs as dildos, vibrators, and toys. It may also contain condoms.

Do YOU have a goodie drawer?

by jmadnomoney March 9, 2011

14πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

sock drawer

an area in your cloest designated for pornography storage. Could contian socks.

Girl 1: Yesterday I went through my boyfriend's sock drawer and guess what I found?
Girl 2: Socks?
Girl 1: No you idiot, volumes of porn!

by xykorix March 4, 2007

53πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

bottom drawer

Working overtime for free, or otherwise being taken advantage of by an employer.

Comes from the following situation: The boss asks you to bend over the desk so he can fuck you in the ass. You aren't quite bent over enough though, so he asks you to get something out of the drawer on the other side of the desk. Even further, and you are getting it from the "bottom drawer", thus, with your ass fully exposed and vulnerable to your employer.

In extreme cases, you may be asked to get something from the "Z folder" in the bottom drawer, which, being at the back of the drawer would put you in the most compromising position of all.

I'm just doing a little Bottom Drawer today.

I got so Bottom Drawered today!

by fuckbutter June 9, 2004

75πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

pimp drawer

where a pimp keeps his things such as weed, fuzzy pink handcuffs, bling (including cane)and his hoes who misbehave.

I stashed my weed and my 40 in my pimp drawer.

by Eric Braga October 18, 2007

Drawer Clothing

The clothing you never wear. You have clothes you wear, and then drawer clothes.

β€œHey bro can I borrow one of your shirts?”

β€œYeah bro you can take some of the drawer clothing”

by Bongo bongo bongo July 20, 2019

top drawer

above comparison

Carlton, where did you get that argyle pull-over, it is top drawer.

by Geoff June 4, 2003

70πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž