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a kid called straty who labels his dress sense as "edgy". He believes he dresses quite different to the normal teenage male and is quite proud of it. he believes he is not a sheep and is instead different. If you ever meet a very sweet kid called stratos make sure to compliment him on his edgyness. A word that is known as stratos' word.

wow look at stratos isnt he just the definition of edgy

by celery_:) August 22, 2019

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Arrogant show-off (N E England)

Look at that edgy bugger. Can't stop showing off.

by wgd March 7, 2006

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most likely someone reading this now, hoping to find some definitions to send to their friends talking about drugs, racism, extreme political views, or all of the above
someone most likely in their pre-teens since no one older than 14 actually uses this site since its become such a fucking mess due to these children, most often males, looking to be as offensive they can for the sole reason of impressing their friends who don't yet realize it's a mistake to act the way they are. but regardless of how many times you tell them, they're too stubborn to understand and, using their mad edginess, push the fact that they don't care and might even call you a faggot a couple times. if you're lucky, you'll get called the n word

brad, didn't you hear how edgy jared is? he called his teacher the n word over his snapchat group to his other edgy friends

no way omg he's so cool, i wish i were like him

by t+k January 28, 2020

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The known term, "edgy" is basically the use of being a total asshole who doesn't have respect at all! It is mostly known for it's use of, "edgy memes". Being edgy is usually being an asshole, joking about things you shouldn't joke about, and even laughing at a tragic event such as 911 etc.

It was so funny when Lexi Brown died of cancer! LOLLL!!!!! IM SO EDGY LOLLL!

by basically.mason September 17, 2016

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adj. A word used in the meme community to refer to dark, politically incorrect, inappropriate humor that should never be joked about.

Guys, check out this edgy meme I made about rape.

by 1shamgar December 9, 2017

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someone who is so cringy they seem to be living on the edge and no matter how much they creep you out with their whips and shackles you can always go to them for a dildo in your ass.

your and edgy guy

by blasted turtle February 14, 2019

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When someone is basically a mix between emo and a suicidal/ironic

memer. (not in a cringy way, however)

Edgy Teen: *draws picture of boat, shows it to friend, then says:* I'm a-BOAT to kill myself!
Edgy Friend: Oh my god that was so fucking edgy my dude.

by Ihatemyselfie March 4, 2017

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