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Duhhh the woman who feeds u cookies and gives you smooches/kisses but she calls it smooching:) also the woman who is super smart and tells u things you should not know at ur age ;/

Grandma better be a woman

by Spritelife_savage June 7, 2020

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A response when the guilty party is unknown, or when the person responsible does not want to incriminate themselves.

Joe:Hey, who drank the last Pepsi Twist?

by This Guy December 23, 2004

198πŸ‘ 118πŸ‘Ž


Someone who is a slow reactor to things.

A slow driver-"Come on grandma".
A person who is slow in conversations then clicks on when it's finished-"Your too slow grandma we've just finished that conversation".
Someone who's slow to get things-"Hurry up grandma your taking to long".

by NGAWAI WIGGINS September 20, 2005

125πŸ‘ 76πŸ‘Ž


Verb: To do something that a grandmother would typically do.

I totally grandmaed out and sent that cat picture to EVERYONE!

by rossisdead June 11, 2011

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

That's the grandma

synonym for awesome

"Hey bro, Did you see 'The Nun' this weekend?"
"yea dude, That's the grandma."

by thewhaleoflife October 15, 2018

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Best person ever.
Makes you cookies.
Gives you hugs and kisses.
Unconditional love even when she doesn’t understand.
Really humorous.
Good cooking.
Essentially a β€œMom”, but squared. Haha, get it?
Doesn’t ramble when they don’t have to.

Tom: I’m going to grandma’s house this weekend!
Matt: Dude.. so lucky!

by weird eye the science guy March 4, 2019

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Used to describe an overly cautious teenage boy who spends a large majority of his time talking to others instead of doing what he is supposed to. Generally takes up a lot of time doing absolutely nothing.

Guy: Damn, Jackson is being really slow.
Girl: Yeah, he's such a Grandma.

by ~*! July 1, 2012

31πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž