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green limousine

Any city/metro bus that there are only a few riders on.
(Years ago, Milwaukee buses used to be a "baby-poop" green, so we always called them the green limousine, the current ones are predominately a darker green) Generally, the actual color of the bus does not matter because all buses are "Green", ie; eco-stuff.

Dude, you work downtown, do you take your car?
No, parking is too expensive, so I take the green limousine.

by MKE Mad Dog July 15, 2012

1👍 1👎

Black Man's Limousine

The citybus

my yugo is in the shop lets take the black man's limousine.

yeah lets ride it to frogtown and lets hear you call it that down there ya bigot!
shut up hippie

by cacapoopoo pee pee pants September 18, 2010

479👍 92👎

Vinegar Pepper Limousine

a slang phrase to describe a vehicle that is used as a limousine but is not such a vehicle. The term "Vinegar Pepper Limousine" is used in New England constantly. A Vinegar Pepper Limousine is any vehicle other than a true stretch or formal limousine, but called a limosuine by the driver.This is the gypsy cab of limousines. Usually it is a filthy dirty death trap, piloted by somebody with questionable health and sanitary habits, trying to avoid tolls, limo fees, and parking areas. The Vinegar Pepper Limousine is the utlimate in showcasing the sunken depths we have reached in vagabond transportation. More often it is referred to as a "rolling shitwagon," and many an astute traveler can be heard stating, "shit I needs a 40 and ablunt to have my azz in that shit can."

In Boston there is one such Vinegar Pepper Limousine well known to Massport, the agency that runs Logan Air Port. The vehicle a 1993 Oldsmobile Delta 88, piloted by one Michael D. Marano. This limousine gets its name from the smell of fried peppers and bad take out that permiate it. The original Vinegar Pepper Limousine was 1986 Lincoln. This was actually a real limo, but for nearly 10 years it was never thoroughly cleaned, reportedly one passenger lost a shoe in puddle of gelled kool aid in the back seat. It is rumored that the original VPL made over 34,578 trips to fast food establishments in metro Boston. However the most famous stops were at the presidential room at Jeveli's Restraunt in East Boston. The pilot of the VPL due to his afro-centric features is often mistook for Redd Foxx of Sanford and Son Fame.

by Nunzio Incerto September 11, 2007

44👍 12👎

dope fiend limousine

A van utilized to transport recovering drug addicts to and from a destination. Also known as a druggie buggy.

They pulled up to the meeting in the dope fiend limousine.

by Christopher Ferry April 1, 2019


Something that you'd only want to ride in to hard flex (i.e. limo renting). They give off associations of crime, as all those stereotypical gangs/mafias always ride in some sort of fancy limousine.

"Hey wanna help me pay off a limousine? We can share the ownership"
"Uhhh hell naw man, I'd much rather buy a Tesla"

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian January 26, 2022

black limousine

Another term for a hearse.

Who knew grandma would be taking the black limousine today...

by Alx Dr May 29, 2007

lesbian limousine

AKA Subaru, in contrast to the Mini Cooper which is the tranny limo.

I went to the Subaru dealership and bought a lesbian limousine!

by Subaru Owner October 13, 2022