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modern loneliness

Modern Loneliness, never alone but always depressed, love your friends to death but I never call and I never text

I'm having a bad case of Modern Loneliness

by Queen of hearts ♡♡ May 23, 2020


Someone who is so down astronomically that he will do anything for the nookie. Typically takes interest in girls who A) Are way out of his league, B) Not even straight or C) Not from the fucking country

He also thinks he's a "dreamy lover-boy type" when really, just creepy

Dude 1: "You seriously gonna pull a Loneliness-Toucher, are you?"

Dude 2: "I am what one may call, slightly down bad"

by yermasurda May 4, 2021

True Forced Loneliness

A group of people (mainly guys/men) who are unable to attract women and are unsuccessful in the dating scene. They realize that when it comes to dating, it is primarily about looks, and they criticize dating specialists for lying to vulnerable people about how to attract women.

There are many misconceptions about these people such as them hating women, feeling that they are entitled to a woman's affection or that a woman should never reject them. Most TFLers actually believe the contrary and point out the fact that the world just isn't fair and it's not someone's fault if they are unattractive.

Common members of this community on YouTube consist of: Heed and Succeed, Oreo Man/Savvy guy, KentTV, Blaze1, and Jamil the King

"Has Steve never had a girlfriend?"
"Nah bro, he's a TFLer"

"What does TFL stand for?"
"True Forced Loneliness"

by Uncool dude December 17, 2018

138👍 13👎

friday night loneliness

It's Friday night and everybody is out partying and you're just sitting on your couch staring into space and wishing someone would at least message you or call etc. I sometimes suffer from Friday night loneliness but thank god for The internet and YouTube.

Are you suffering from Friday Night loneliness? Well go on YouTube and have a YouTube spree.

by The Darkside October 24, 2014

National Loneliness Day

On December 21, celebrate National Loneliness Day, the day in which you regret everything and wish you could go back in time and make everything right.

Friend: Hey, having a snowball fight tomorrow. Wanna join?

Me: No, tomorrow’s National Loneliness Day. I’m going to be crying in the corner, rethinking my past mistakes.

by seijuu October 26, 2019

Male Loneliness Syndrome

Male Loneliness Syndrome, known as MLS, is a heterosexual male mental disorder caused by constant rejection by women.

Jerry has Male Loneliness Syndrome since he no longer bothers to try dating women because they constantly reject him because he isn't good looking and rich enough.

by Jerry1971 June 4, 2010

43👍 12👎

loneliness in the presence of company

when you're around others, yet you can't seem to feel like you are

you feel the same as you did when you were lying in your bed, unable to move from the overwhelming sense of loneliness

when you're with your friends and they might ask why you're so quiet, they ask "are you ok?"
you smile and say yeah :) I'm great...

you don't know what's wrong with you and you wish you could make it stop, but it seems impossible

you wish all those people around you could help but the ringing is too loud, and you can't ask for help

meanwhile, you're wishing with all your heart that you could feel like you're not alone

ethan jewell has a great album called loneliness in the presence of company.

by I’m finally breathing October 10, 2022