Source Code

Maori Piano

A poker machine

“Sup mah g payday today u wanna hit the pokies tn?”

“Yeah cuz I’m always keen for the Maori Piano”

by kiakahaSteve March 22, 2021

Maori Overdrive

When you are driving an old manual car and you kill the engine or set it in neutral at the top of a steep hill and cost down. Done mainly to save petrol.

We putz da car un maori overdrive to save us sum gas

by Ubera Kake August 20, 2009

76👍 10👎

flying maori

Maoris who hide in trees and jump on people as they walk past

Gee cuz did u see those flying maoris jump on those pakeha?

by a bit loud mate April 5, 2018

Maori Shower

When you spray yourself all over with spray-on deodorant as a substitute for having a shower. The maoriness of the maori shower will double if you do it in the supermarket using one of the cans on the shelves and then put it back without paying for it once you're done.

Person 1: "Ohhhhhhh g the water got turned off but all good I'll just crank out a maori shower"

Person 2: "You disgust me"

by bohatamahatama May 5, 2009

241👍 63👎

maori shuffle

by far the best way to shuffle cards. But not the most stylish, but the most random. You put all the cards on the table facing the same way, such as all face up or all face down.then, you use your arms and move the cards about. This shuffle is the best

maori shuffle, slide, or pro style?

by mr. marshmallow 29 December 4, 2008

41👍 9👎

Maori Puff

A word used to describe a particular style of tracksuit trousers. Although the trouser is not specific in any brands or manufacturers, it details a 100% cotton trouser, often with a fleece like insert.

What distinguishes a maori puff tracksuit from any other tracksuit trouser is the large, thick puffy, up most part of the trouser where the elastic runs and drawstring is contained. The puff generally has a width of about 4 centimetres and has a depth of about 2 centimetres. The puffs length is determined by the size of the garment, and runs full circumference.

The name maori puff can be drawn from them being typically worn by Mãori people and also Tropical persons. Mostly found in a flecked grey or faded green colour.

Can be used as a pronoun or noun, or adjective.

Pronoun:"The offender was definitely wearing a pair of Maori Puffs"

Noun: "The offender was definitely wearing some Maori Puff tracksuit trouser"

Adjective: "Hi, do these pants come in Maori Puff?"

by Refreshment Boxx October 3, 2010

22👍 4👎

maori submarine

1. When a few maoris turn their Waka (Maori Canoe) upside down then they all put their heads in the airbubble bit thats upside down and go along the beach trying to scare off white people so they can claim the beach.

2. When a maori swims underwater and takes a shit. Then swims back up and says "lookout bo a maori submarine is coming to surface" and then the poo surfaces and floats around - scaring while people off the beach so the maori can claim it.

1. o bro we got a sub in the navy bo look at my waka upside down G.

2. o bro i just shat underwater so theres guna be a maori submarine surfacing G. get ready to claim the beach boi.

by Mahogany Potato June 20, 2006

124👍 44👎