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Bast Mountie

A bread of Canada's finest female mountie. The ironic mis-spelling of best goes to show why women should stay in the kitchen. They can normally be found creeping around in random areas of canada, usually riding a horse. These creatures are very dangerous since they never sleep.

Chuck: Holy crap!! Is that Bast Mountie riding a horse!? | David: bast rides a h0rse? | Chuck: ya bro

by Explode_Bomb August 15, 2011

2👍 3👎

Lopin' the Mounty

Canadian form of self pleasure

I understand you have been using the employee restroom for Lopin' the Mounty, eh.

by Brandon Byars June 19, 2019


Basically doggy style, but slowly and ineffectively.

"He wanted to do me doggy style. At first I was into it but he was playing Mountie"

by jim-boobly June 12, 2021

Mountie Awkward

Adjective, used to describe someone who is or is committing an act that is so awkward only a Mountie would do it.

OMG Nick, you are being so awkward you're Mountie Awkward! What are you going to do next, make a dance video to remind people to pull over when your lights are flashing set to a Drake tune??

by Oh THAT person April 22, 2016