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Commonly mistaken for a kid's app, musical.ly is the number one cause of the DTD (digitally transmitted disease) megacringe symptoms may include: wishing not to have anyone near your phone cuz they will mess up your "image", random impulses to dance, and a superiority complex.

Dave: Did you hear about Jen?
Davey: Yeah, she's such a bitch now that she uses Musical.ly.

by winrg September 1, 2018


An app where you can lip-sync to songs. It is the most addicting app ever and it basically controls you life. You will literally do hand gestures for everything. Also you and your friends that have it will be constantly singing songs that you've made musicals to.

Ex A: When bad blood comes on...

Thumbs down gesture, twist head, heart gesture

Ex B: Friend-"Hey how are you?"

You-"Well I doing just fine... I lied I'm dieing inside!"


You- "It's a musical.ly song!"

Friend-"...ok then"

by MrsPiggyMuppetLove May 18, 2016

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Where you lipsync to various kinds of songs or dance or anything.
Where some girls and guys act inappropriately just to get likes (not all musers). It's for young people to have fun making videos with different songs.

Tori:How do you get so many likes on musical.ly?
Me: You have to make a creative video and have fun and sometimes use the featured hashtags like #featureme @musical.ly or post your video on Instagram with the hashtag #musical.ly

by akavele420 January 10, 2017

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An app that you can lipsync to words and songs.

Hey, do you want to do a musical.ly?

by Thatderpiness101 December 11, 2016

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Musical.ly, an video sharing app that allows users to create short music videos, comedic skits, and more. Its controversial due to the fact that it is a new media platform that had created somewhat internet famous teens, that became internet famous due to lipsyncing to sounds such as comedy sounds and popular music. They are deemed "talentless" by some but kids looking for fun by others.

Person 1: Hey, heard of that app Musical.ly? People at school have been using it lately and it seems fun!
Person 2: Yeah, I downloaded it! This user on the top leaderboard got over a million likes! I wanna have millions of fans like them too!
Person 1: Cant believe they gained such a following, their our age! We need to stop sitting on the couch and watch netflix all day

by KindaKing February 20, 2016

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A app with lip-syncing and more

Musical.ly is the best app ever you should really get it

by Fleelk February 16, 2017

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Musical.ly is a lip-syncing app. You get likes on the videos\musical.lys you do.

Sydney:"I got 678 likes on my last musical.ly I made it to Heaven by Kane brown and it was featured!!!!"

Kyler:" Oh cool mine got 123 but it wasn't featured.":(

by Lilpuglov.underhill June 19, 2018

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