Source Code


area code in the A-town. 770 is the burbs, 404 is inside da perimeter, but 678 is all over the A.

it aint just 770 and 404 yall dont forget 678

by J-Smoove April 25, 2006

101👍 25👎


A sequence of three numbers that denotes unrealistic expectations of modern women about the men they want to date: 6 feet tall, 7 figures income, 8 inch dick.

In most cases, women who are basic enough to spew out this monstrosity bring, as a general rule, very little in return to a relationship.

-- Basic girl: I'm a princess and I won't settle for anything less than a 678.

-- Everyone: But you're out of shape, don't focus on improving yourself and are in general just a flat soul.

-- Basic girl: Stop it with the body-shaming you patriarch.

by elcacas November 2, 2022

24👍 4👎


Oh my goodness
The love I have for you!!!!

678 is when you are overwhelmed with love for someone….
And LOVE IT!!!
Always and forever of course ❤️❤️❤️❤️

by 4-u July 28, 2023

81👍 46👎


My wish
For you to know how much I love you!!!


by 4-u July 29, 2023

48👍 42👎


I could not love you more
Is what I thought…
But then comes another day
More love for him coming this way!!!

You amaze me is all you do…

In everything about you!!!
So blessed am I ❤️

678 is having your love continuously grow for your one… even though you thought you couldn’t possibly love this person more…

I love you!!!

by 4-u July 30, 2023

45👍 41👎

Rule #678

Anything that exists will become P A N C A K E. No exceptions. Your school? Pancake. Your Pet? Pancake. Your mom? Hella pancake. Candice? …

Ayo you heard of Rule #678?”

“Yeah Emily made a pancake of me lmao”

by LegiterallyConstant June 15, 2021

4👍 8👎


Ifykyk if you don't, you get no bitches.

Steve: Will 678-999-8212 get me bitches?
Dustin: 100% dude
Erica: The only thing you attract are kids half your age

by Ilyfw June 21, 2022

1👍 3👎