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ocular geology

removal of the hard crusty material/s that collect around the eye, commonly known as "sleep"

had to spend some ocular geology time this am

the rocks around my eyes would tire even the most hardy ocular geologist this morning!

by michael foolsley February 23, 2010


Originates from and is a mixture of the words "binoculars" and "man". It is womens' personal opinions of the way in which they view men. Could be considered as an opinion, but specifically and only used when referring to a bloke! Only straight women and gay men have man-oculars.

Wanda: "mmmmm... he's fine!"
Zoe: "ergh! I don't think so! Get Your man-oculars fixed!"
Christine: "For sure! But he doesn't look so bad from a mile away, maybe you're just out of focus?"

by Amazingmanoculars April 13, 2010

ocular job

when a man ejaculates inside of a womans eye. Preferably as she looks right at his penis hole.

Hey, why didn't you go to BBYO today? I was too busy giving my girlfriend an ocular job!

by bbyoincorp March 2, 2011