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outfit on fleek

when everything in your outfit (the clothes you are wearing) is thought trough and locks perfect. Both cloths, accessories, shoes and makeup is perfect matched.

Sara: what do you think of my new top?
Selena: OMG! Sara you have the outfit on fleek. You lock good girl!
Sara: thanks bestie.

by luouiluoui November 23, 2015

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Ghost Outfit

Comfortable clothing that may possibly be worn into the afterlife.

Everytime you get dressed remember...if you die today that's going to be your ghost outfit forever.

by xxLucillexx April 21, 2019

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outfit A syndrome

when a girl puts something on and isnt sure of it which leads to changing outfits multiple to an excessive amount of times, hunting for just the right look or feel, and ends up in the original outfit.

"yeah before my date i totally suffer OAS..."

" sweety your totally suffering from outfit A syndrome!"

"... i know OAS is just part of my personality"

by queen jane February 7, 2009

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chicago outfit

The Chicago chapter of the Italian Mafia or Cosa Nostra. Still in operating to this day, it is believed that it is the highest ranking chapter of the Italian Mafia outside of Italy.

Al Capone was responsible for the rise of the Chicago Outfit.

by Dg6661 November 22, 2016

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Storefront Outfit

Used to describe a person's outfit when all or most of what they're wearing is all the same brand, resulting in them looking like the outfits in the front windows of a store.
Most common mistakes are wearing a shirt and sweater/jacket of the same brand, or a shirt and bottom of the same brand (not spotted as easily).
Usually not a good fashion choice.

Person 1: "Bob has a pretty good sense of style for a guy."

Person 2: "Not yesterday - he had a storefront outfit on."

by Da Poopy May 6, 2012

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snowboarding outfit

the most outrageous, ridiculous and eye burning outfit you can find, the more you look like the color wheel threw up on you, the better. Pants have to be skin tight, and if you can't pull that off, they must be baggy and at the highest reaching your knees. jackets/hoodies must always be eight times larger than your frame. if you aren't wearing skullcandy headphones, you must kill yourself. the only acceptable goggles are the ones that do nothing for your sight, but are different looking. ***note that this only applies to douchebags that try too hard***

-"dude look at that guy's snowboarding outfit, he probably thinks he's sweet as fuck"
-"hahha what a tool"

by therealboarder December 23, 2010

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the bad fashion sense most slugs at west point seem to suffer from.

typically, cowboy boots, super baggy jeans (to hide the fat ass), giant-ass belt buckle, t-shirt, and baseball cap with giganto-long brim.
they go to school 1 hour from new york city, the fashion capital of the world. they have no excuse.

what the fuck is Texas wearing?
Sweet slug-outfit!

by secr3tas1anman November 13, 2009

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