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Social Responsibility

Social responsibility is voluntary; it is about going above and beyond what is called for by the law(legal responsibility). It involves an idea that it is better to be proactive toward a problem rather than reactive to a problem. Social responsibility means eliminating corrupt, irresponsible or unethical behavior that might bring harm to the community, its people, or the environment before the behavior happens.

Social responsibility is exercised when people connect ideals in person or over the internet and take action against the corrupt powers that control our social settings.

by John Stashenko IV March 17, 2008

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Pooplovian Response

After there have been shortages, the psychological compulsion people feel to buy toilet paper every time they go to the store and they have it in stock.

Honey, I know we have 58 rolls of toilet paper, but I had a massive Pooplovian Response to buy one more package when I saw it on the shelves!

by TDinKS July 1, 2020

gays response

Used to indicate that the previous statement made by a participant in a conversation was that of a gay type/orientation

A) you suck like a bitch on a pension
B) gays response
A) fuck you
B) gays response

Repeat as necessary

by roxursox June 12, 2008

responsible drunk

Someone who is drunk asf but will not drive and will make sure he/she will get all parties with them home and then get themselves home safely

I was being a responsible drunk because I was so messed up but I didnโ€™t drive and got home safely

by Blackgurl July 13, 2018

stupid response

A phrase or setence of which used that is not appropriate or not rellevant to a question or statement. The stupid response tends to be some thing undescribably odd to read or look at and alsi tends to come from someone who is also stupid. Could also come from someone who is not paying attention to the conversation.

This is a stupid response (person 2):
Person 1:Man my best friend just got hit by 2 cars. one took off and the other guy stayed and helped. But he has a dislocated leg, broken spine broken hip and road rash.
Person 2:lol, nice :D or Awesome!XD

by Eunakritos August 3, 2006

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drink responsibly

1. Drinking to fulfill the responsibility of finishing your beer, and 2. making sure that no beer goes unfinished.

More precisely, what to tell someone who may be about to violate his/her responsibility, at which point said person should probably finish their beer.

Drunk guy: (Looks at his partially finished beer) Time for me to drink responsibly! (Finishes beer)
Bystander: Good man.

Person 1: Man, I think I'm about done for tonight.
Person 2: (Points at half-full beer) No way, you need to drink responsibly.

by David March 24, 2008

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doe response

a response, most commonly found in email, from a human being that would be more typically associated with a response from a young deer, or doe

I told you a great story and got this doe response.

by Pei U Sun May 14, 2010