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screaming jimmy

Term used to describe 2-stroke Detroit Diesel engines (i.e. 6-71) known for their distinctive tones and volume. Detroit Diesel was a division of General Motors, hence "Jimmy"

Trucker #1- "Dang ol' sum bitch's trucks louder than sin!"
Trucker #2- "Boy howdy! I reckon he's got a screaming jimmy in that pig"

by Chet McPherson II June 17, 2011

midnight scream

A Michigan State University tradition where every night during finals week, students open their windows exactly at midnight and scream their lungs out for a few minutes to relieve stress and express their angst about the finals they have taken/still have to take.

*weeknight during finals week*
Student 1: "Dude, it's 11:59! Open the window, it's almost time for the midnight scream!"
*window is opened*
*12:00am hits*

by JacquelineTheSpartan December 13, 2011

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Screaming Barfies

A term used mostly by ice climbers to describe the feeling of having your hands go numb only to come back to feeling with extreme pain. The terminology coming from when your hands are coming back to feeling you want to scream and barf at the same time.

I was climbing that sick WI5 but when I got to the top I had a nasty case of the screaming barfies.

by nthpro January 18, 2007

117๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Screaming semen

The blue balls or semen screaming to escape.

GAWDDDD SUSIE, I got screaming semen waiting to get out of my balls, THIS IS the housework you need to do now!

by I, Wreckerrr October 22, 2016

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Screaming creaming

A loud orgasm

Paul's screaming creaming was heard next door.

by I, Wreckerrr October 22, 2016

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Screaming erections

A hard cock screaming for immediate use!

Ben Dover had one of his screaming erections when he kissed Susie!

by I, Wreckerrr October 26, 2016

37๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

confused screaming

When you don't know what the hell is happening and you confused AF

Friend: I don't like women because women like dick and that's gay.

Me: *confused screaming*

by DontHaveALife March 28, 2018