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The A-Shake is the newest hottest dance in Ireland. It involves moving to the left then to the right and then getting low while swaying. Established in County Longford,Ireland.

Nd: A-Shake if you’re ready
K Muni: Hop to left, hop to right, hold it steady.

by Don dada March 1, 2021


The level of being drunk and high at the same time that is way beyond chill but a little before TRASHED. The level you want to achieve for maximum pleasure and relaxation. The level of thought where you realize that you could go further but have gone far enough.

Damn look at Travis. That kid is Shaked. One more hit and he is gonna be TRASHED.

We are all gettin Shaked tonight.

by NO DRAMA February 28, 2009

50πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Shaking it

Toronto slang, means doing the most or pushing it

Person 1: "Fam, I'll pay u back at the end of the week, trust"
Person 2: "Cmon b, ur shaking it"

by FlamesWorthy November 14, 2016

29πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

No shaking

A phrase meaning "no worries" or "no problem"

Kojo: A charlay, I forgot my Ghana cedis at home.

Elorm: Ah no shaking, my friend, I will pay for you.

by Ghanagirl11 July 12, 2008

38πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

the shakes

Uncontrollable shakes caused by alcohol withdrawal. Getting drunk multiple times a day, every day, for many years is necessary to experience this. They start about 24 hours after your last drink, most notably in the hands and feet, and last for about 3 days unless you have a drink.

I ran out of money Bob, I haven't had a drink all day, I feel the shakes coming!

by Verty- September 5, 2015

24πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


When your quaking and shook at the same time

"Did you see the Kardashian 10 year anniversary special I was shaking the whole time."

by Annora Wiston September 27, 2017

38πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž



A person who’s identity is being a smiling tall person.

Oh dude I love you because you are such a shaked

by Therealmichealjordannotfake April 21, 2020

11πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž