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Aussie expression when being astounded at something.
Short for “Strike me lucky”

“Strike mate, that’s a bloody big snake!!”

by Robby101 October 27, 2006

16👍 24👎

@_@ Strike

AKA Counter Stike, This a game filled with annoying ass people that cheat use AIMBOT Wallhack..etc..it once was a bad ass game, but now it's fuckin taking over by Crauckers..

J-Ruich: yo me n my boi's bout to play some Counter Strike

G Dawg: wtf dont play that fuckin game its over run by @_@'s dat be on mic's n shit fuck @_@ strike

by @_@Rapester January 28, 2004

33👍 79👎


another pronounciation of "stripes"

He drives a red Blazer with white strikes.

by Jonni B. Gorf October 20, 2003

8👍 17👎


Every idea, comparable to hitting the lane…
I throw the ball…
Watch a few pins fall…
But some always remain…

New strategies I try
Meanwhile not over think those whys…
Another attempt I do…
To say I love you to YOU!!

Some veer to the left
Others to the right
This ball I will continue to throw…
Until I get a strike!!!

I love you!!!

by 4-u September 16, 2023

9👍 22👎


The hitting of a bong, pipe, or any other marijuana paraphernalia as much as you can in one breathe and holding the smoke in your lungs for a deep hit causing a slight high on the first hit with regular marijuana.

"Yo dom, strike this shit I got two ounces left".

by Scipio March 11, 2006

11👍 26👎


The act of saying something rude, stupid, or uncalled for. Thus getting a strike against you.

Daniel: Adrian you are such a queerfag.
Adrain: Wtf!!! Thats a mo' fucken strike!!

by Rob Schiendler April 28, 2007

7👍 17👎


A Fuck Doll for prison inmates.

by Harry Potter November 1, 2003

9👍 35👎