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balcony teeth

Someone with front teeth that stick way out, making them look like a rocky the squirrel.

"Wow, that chicks got some balcony teeth!" "Watch out, if you kiss her. She's got balcony teeth. You'll be climbing 2 floors to get to her tongue"

by Zman2000 March 3, 2008

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beatoff balcony

what happens when you have two people cocoeding a room and one is higher up than the other well they peer down and beatoff

hey man want to split the cost on this room i really want that beatoff balcony to enjoy watching you sleep

by refuse to poofread January 22, 2012

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Balcony Jugs

Very large jubblies.

That chick at the oscars had some balcony jugs.

by Tomboski February 28, 2005

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Off Da Balcony

When someone performs a hanious act and punishment is necessary, they are forcefully thrown off da balcony.

D-Block drank too much celebrating the 2001 Colorado Avalanche Stanley Cup win and pisses off Chris’ balcony. Chris the proceeds to throw D-Block off da balcony.

by Shenyunforever May 4, 2018

rain on your balcony

-Ruin someone's plans.
-be the damp squib
-burst someone's bubble

Sorry to rain on your balcony, but I'm going to skip the movie.

by Pseupi May 23, 2017

A balcony you can perform Shakespeare from

A huge ass. Also know as a shelf, badunkadunk, or bubble butt.

Man, forget his hips. Axel's got a balcony you can perform Shakespeare from.

by Ansem the Wise July 1, 2007

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Balcony Empire

A term for Fascist Italy when it was ruled by Mussolini. It refers to his preference for standing in the raised exterior balcony of an historical building when making a speech.

Italy wants to be an empire but all its become is an empire of balconies, a balcony empire

by Pepper Hudson June 21, 2023