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Friend Withdrawal

1. You miss hanging out with your friends. Can be solved by hanging out with friends more, but the more you chill, the worse withdrawal gets.

2. You move away from your friends and begin to miss them, this can only be remedied by hanging out with them.

Hey bro I just moved to arizona and i have mad friend withdrawal.

by Longboarding.is.sweet August 3, 2009

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modern withdrawal

The inevitable effect of being away from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II for an extended period of time.

Dude. I've been on vacation in Maryland for four days!!!! I'm totally on modern withdrawal right now!!!

by scratchdaily February 4, 2010

Freckle Withdrawal

The sense of bewilderment and pain one experiences shortly after parting with their ginger partner and their adorable freckles.

Brian: I miss you.

Katia: Me too it hurts. Iโ€™m having a serious freckle withdrawal right now.

by SuperKatGirl October 5, 2021

Asha Withdrawal

The intense emotional pain that comes from prolonged absence from a persons beautiful light, energy and positivity.

Typically manifested in loss of motivation, focus and a distribution to flow.

Savannah experienced Asha Withdrawals if more than 3 days passed without seeing each other.

by Savvi April 5, 2021

music withdrawal

the intense symptoms of not being able to listen to music over lengthy amounts of time, or when you normally listen

Symptoms Include:
-hyper activity
-singing to yourself
-making music in any way/shape/form (ex: drumming with your pencil, tapping your foot)

You will experience relief once your music has been restored to you, or you hear music (bad or good)

*shaking, jumping up and down, singing to yourself, looking crazy to other people*

dude 1: dude whats up with you?!

dude 2 (withdrawing): MUSIC WITHDRAWAL, ITS KILLER!

dude 1: o man, here listen to my iPod it will help

dude 2: ohh thanks so much, you're a lifesaver

by music_is_life_2012 October 7, 2010

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facebook withdrawal

The process of seperating a facebook whore from his or her computer for an extended amount of time. The process is life-threatening and can result in extreme mood swings.

In withdrawal, users may go through four phases:
1) Craving
2) Fear
3) Denial
4) Depression

Some cases include instances where individuals try to use MySpace as an alternative, but this ends badly when they realize you cannot just click on the picture to make the next one appear

Facebook addiction is an issue with many consequences, one of them being, addiction withdrawal symptoms experienced when the facebook is discontinued. The symptoms of Facebook Withdrawal at times may be severe, if not life threatening.

Amy: Why is Ryan crying?
Sarah: Because he can't log onto Facebook.
Amy: Oh, so Ryan is having Facebook Withdrawal?
Sarah: Yeah, and now he is in the denial stage.

by g-diggity November 4, 2007

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Puddi is a dangerous addictive drug. So addictive that these lost youths are prostituting themselves for a fix. So far as to write Puddi Puddi on there bare chests advertising for another hit. So Sad...

This scourge will only lead to more Puddi-withdraw.

by MohammedMudSlaP December 7, 2010

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